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Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

A funny thing happened at the grocery store

Well Im nearing the end of week one and yesterday I had to go to the store for veggies. All this week I have been on cloud nine. It's like Medi-Fast was the new love of my life. But then at the grocery store I looked around at all my old friends and had a very sad feeling. Not that I was wanting to eat any of it. Just kind of a morning feeling. ...
Read more : A funny thing happened at the grocery store | Views : 611 | Replies : 9

Ascicles in twoderland

Not sure if everyone noticed, but ascicles is officially in 2derland....

Congrats guy!!
Read more : Ascicles in twoderland | Views : 1434 | Replies : 31

Medication issue and meal plan advice

I just ordered my first 4 week supply and I need advice on slightly modifying the diet. Because I take lithium, I need to slightly increase my carbohydrate consumption in my lean and green meal. Ketosis is not particularily good for lithium, but as long as I stay in the pink I should be fine.

Oh and I am ovo-laco vegetarian just to make matters more complicated. So I am looking for meal suggestions to ...
Read more : Medication issue and meal plan advice | Views : 1185 | Replies : 9

Silly Question- Number of Shakes per day

Hi guys!

Well, I was just poking around the site for extra info, and have been reading some of the posts that make me wonder if I'm doing something wrong. Instead of fretting about it, I've decided to ASK!!! :oops:

Some of the posts say you are supposed to have a minimum of 3 shakes per day. The info I got from Medifast and other posts say ...
Read more : Silly Question- Number of Shakes per day | Views : 376 | Replies : 4


Does anyone suffer from candida with fevers, yeast, sore throat, fatigue?
Read more : Candida | Views : 2920 | Replies : 4

Has anyone tried freezing their RTD's?


I have finally ordered some RTD's and am really looking forward to getting them. I need something for when I am on the run and these should work. Then I got to wondering if we just froze them, and stuck them in the car/purse, they would thaw throughout the day and maybe at least be cool when we drink them. Has anyone else tried this?

I know with the juice boxes that you can ...
Read more : Has anyone tried freezing their RTD's? | Views : 404 | Replies : 13

Why no brussel sprouts?

Anyone know why we can't eat them? They have 8 g carbs a serving but 3 is non-digestible fiber - 5 g total. Are they too caloric?

I love love love roasted any veggie but brussels are great that way . . .
Read more : Why no brussel sprouts? | Views : 11389 | Replies : 9

I'm just not sure.....

So I subscribed to MyMedifast to see what it was all about and to find if they had any more hints on how to make the whole diet process more pleasureable. So anyways, one of the things they do is send you a tip of the day....Todays tip was about eating out Mexican style, now the whole thing is some of the stuff on the list I didn't even think we were allowed to's ...
Read more : I'm just not sure..... | Views : 455 | Replies : 7

Splitting Lean?

I have been having a lot of trouble eating my full 7 ounces of lean- can I split it during the day? Like can I have 3 oz of cottage cheese as a snack at work, and then 4 oz of chicken with veggies at night?

Also how many egg whites equal an ounce of lean?
Read more : Splitting Lean? | Views : 1058 | Replies : 15


HI. I am returning because I know this works but I have a question. Whats the deal with exercise? I have been working out pretty regularly but I know that with so few calories and carbs I wll have less energy to go on. dont want to stop but I am thinking of backing off to just walking the treadmill, etc. thanks for your input, nancy
Read more : exercise | Views : 355 | Replies : 3


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