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My Basmati Rice Fall Out of Ketosis and What I've Learned

Hi Folks,

So, I introduced myself a bit earlier (look for fit and fat health nut with bad habits seeks weight loss) and now I have a bit of a story.


Despite not believing that Medifast could work for me (and being proven wrong), I have lost even though I have cheated on several occasions. Yet, I consider myself dedicated to the program (how's that for a contradiction?). The thing is, I did several ...
Read more : My Basmati Rice Fall Out of Ketosis and What I've Learned | Views : 2637 | Replies : 12

Is mouthwash safe?

Just wondering. I usually don't use mouthwash, but I am trying out the new Listerine Whitening Mouthwash. My daughter uses it, and it works good for her. So I am using it too, but then I got to wondering if it is safe to use with Medifast?

It has alcohol 8%, and saccharin(sp?) and sucralose. Does anyone know if mouthwash is safe. I would hate to be thrown out of ketosis over something that stupid! ...
Read more : Is mouthwash safe? | Views : 490 | Replies : 5


Finally Unca!! 50 pounds!!! From size 24/26 to a tight 16. (IT looks good though) My 14 year old daughter even started Medifast... (She weighed 177 when she started- now 172- she started on Monday)

Thank you guys for just being here.


OH Happy DAD's DAY!!!
Read more : IM GONNA BE LIKE DOGMA!!!! | Views : 733 | Replies : 5

question about bars

i took a bar to a baseball game so that i wouldn't go too long between meals. i really looked for the first time at the nutritional value.... and was shocked.

i know the bars are higher in calories, so we can only have one.

but 12 grams of sugar and 21 carbs???

how do these things not knock us out of ketosis?
Read more : question about bars | Views : 1118 | Replies : 29

Got my food today...can I add...

fiber or flax seed to the food for nutrician? Is there enough fiber in a day's worth of food to meet what we should have? I havent looked yet but thought I would ask :oops:
Read more : Got my food today...can I add... | Views : 495 | Replies : 12

? for anyone doing MF with PCOS

Do you all use the regular suppliments or do you use the diabetic ones? I am not diabetic but have insulin resistence due to PCOS. It just hit me reading someone else's post that I wonder if the diabetic stuff would be better.
Read more : ? for anyone doing MF with PCOS | Views : 773 | Replies : 6

Greens Question & a Yea Me!!

Ok first off... I am a very picky eater and do not eat hardly any veggies besides broccili. I have no trouble with the Lean part of MF but I was wondering if it is ok to skip the Greens part every now and then. I don't mind eating trees each night but some resturants we go to do not have them. Is this bad? Should I bite the bullet and make myself eat other ...
Read more : Greens Question & a Yea Me!! | Views : 986 | Replies : 25

Interview ~ Eating ~ AARGHH!!!

Most of you already know that I'm in the process of job interviewing. I have the interview for my dream job scheduled next week and I'm so excited. I've been working on this prospect for almost two months so I'm thrilled that we're finally moving on to the next point. Usually, the process goes like this ... phone interview, if they like you then you're asked back for another interview. Face-to-face interview, do well and ...
Read more : Interview ~ Eating ~ AARGHH!!! | Views : 4060 | Replies : 82

Hibachi Chicken From a Japanese Restaurant - - L&G???

My friends are meeting at a japanese restaurant tonight, and I was wondering if this would work for my lean and green. Obviously, I would order it without rice. Otherwise, it comes with zuchinni and mushrooms.

I know that they use soy sauce, but if I asked them to go light on that, would it work?

I'm not sure what kind of chicken parts they use though? Does anyone know what the normal is?
Read more : Hibachi Chicken From a Japanese Restaurant - - L&G??? | Views : 1366 | Replies : 9

I am SOOOOO done with this

My Plateau is OVER!!! I 86'd the gatorade, and VOILLA!! down 6 pounds already. Lesson for the day: ALWAYS read the label. It doesn't matter WHAT it is. READ THE LABLE.
Read more : I am SOOOOO done with this | Views : 579 | Replies : 12


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