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Since I just stared back today. Am I aloud to walk a mile a day. My son who is 8 wants to start walking so he can start getting in shape for football. Is this okay. Like I said we only want to start off waliking a mile a day :exercise:
Read more : Walking | Views : 460 | Replies : 6

so i am back

So after a long time away. I started back today. It has been a very hectic few months. I gained most of my weight back but it is my own fault. Why is it we eat when we are depressed.(there was a death in the family) But then why is it you know that you should stop eating but you don't. Oh i will start tomorrow but then tomorrow turns into 3 months later. My ...
Read more : so i am back | Views : 298 | Replies : 6

very first shake....

well i'm have my 2nd glass of my 1st shake! AND there's more in the blender! :lol:

I cant believe how "puffy" it gets with water and ice! its the vanilla, i had a glass plane, then added lemon crystal light to the blender and am drinking it currently! :mrgreen:

There is an entire blenderfull for just one ...
Read more : very first shake.... | Views : 387 | Replies : 2

New Favorite

Hi ya'll!! I have a new favorite. Creamy tomato soup. I got it in a trade, and had it for the first time today. I only got 6 packets. It is my new fave!! If anyone has some and desires something else, send me a pm and I will trade you if I have anything you want, or I will just buy the stuff from you!! I probably should have put this in Swap, but ...
Read more : New Favorite | Views : 603 | Replies : 9

Time limit on eating/drinking?

I know we are supposed to take at least 15 min for a meal, but is there a time limit as well. Say if I take 45 min or an hour is that ok? And when this has happened, I count my time until my next meal from when I finish that one, even if it's takes a long time. Am I doing this right?

Read more : Time limit on eating/drinking? | Views : 1074 | Replies : 18

How Long in "fat loss" mode?

I was going over some documents that Nancy kindly forwarded to me to take to my next doctor's appointment when I came across the following sentence in two of the four documents...

"The program consists of a combination of clinically proven meal replacement suppplements and real foods designed to put the body into a fat-burning state for up to 16 weeks."

My question is what happens after the 16th week? Am I burning off something ...
Read more : How Long in "fat loss" mode? | Views : 1383 | Replies : 28

FINALLY--A NSV for me!

Okay--I have been looking for a dress for my cousins wedding. I had gone and put a dress on layaway in 3 different sizes, planning to try it on this weekend, put back the one that was too small, go back next weekend and do the same, then the week after that, go get the one that fits. Well, when I laid them away, I didn't even try them on. I just looked at them ...
Read more : FINALLY--A NSV for me! | Views : 818 | Replies : 21

Help please - abdominal pain and "stopped up!"

Greetings all!

I don't know where to post this, so I hope this forum is okay. This is the second day of my third week.

I feel really badly. Lower abdominal pain and I feel constipated. Day before yesterday I drank 64oz of Crystal Light (throughout the day) and I don't know whether that has to do with it or not. But I feel bloated and stomach is gassy and sensitive. Don't feel like eating ...
Read more : Help please - abdominal pain and "stopped up!" | Views : 2103 | Replies : 9

How many carb grams a day?

Greetings all! :)

I've been on the plan 2 weeks and have lost 9 lbs. Yea! I've been very systematic about keeping track of meals, water etc. I keep a journal tracking the number of calories and the number of carbos I eat daily.

Recently I was told that to lose effectively I should have no more than 80-85 carb-grams a day. I find that I can ...
Read more : How many carb grams a day? | Views : 968 | Replies : 5

Backwards Week least that's what the past 7 days have been for me.

I thought it was a stall...then a slight retreat...but now...OMG I gained 8 pounds!!! What Happened????!!!!!??????

Ever since that talk with the !@#$%^ rent-a-docs (and against the advice of everyone that commented on this board), I tried adding a few (100-200) more calories to my daily intake. It consisted mostly of more protein, but I also know that along with the added calories ...
Read more : Backwards Week | Views : 309 | Replies : 6


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