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Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Sweet Mouth

OMG!!! I am suffering from sweet mouth!
I drink water.......I drink some more water.....and at night when I am sleeping, right before I bound out of bed to pee once again, I HAVE to drink more water. Is this normal? I looked around on the forum to see if I could find anyone else who has asked but can't seem to track any questions down.
Thanks for all your input!
Read more : Sweet Mouth | Views : 616 | Replies : 11

How can I do this?

Hi everyone,

I really need some advice on what I should do. First off, let me say that I love, love, love, Medifast. I have lost 46lbs with it! I have only positive things to say about it. But, it is just getting to the point that I simply cannot afford it for much longer. I am hoping I can have enough $ for one more small order. I still have more weight to lose, ...
Read more : How can I do this? | Views : 578 | Replies : 11

Question about MF bars

I have been reading the ingredients in the MF bars and have seen that they add HFCS! (High Fructose Corn Syrup) As much as I have read about HFCS, it is horrid and yet, my fave bars contain it! What can I do? I am doing so well with my eating....feeling once again in my closet! But I just don't agree with the HFCS contained in the bars.....
Read more : Question about MF bars | Views : 1474 | Replies : 32

Hot Weather vs. Medifast Shakes


The temp here exceeded 116 a few days in the past few weeks, and in the car is even hotter. The news says it can reach 200 degrees in a hot car...

I had left some reg. shakes (not RTD's) in the car- they were in their packages... Well, i ate a french van last night, and there was a significant color change as well as taste change. There is no indication that this ...
Read more : Hot Weather vs. Medifast Shakes | Views : 929 | Replies : 12

Who here is on Full Fast 6+0?

Just really curious about this... because I started on the 5+1 plan just under a week ago, and decided by day two that there was WAY too much temptation for me to even TOUCH food to my mouth, so I flipped over to full-fast right away as a preventative measure. :roll:

I have NO willpower & have convinced myself that this is "required medicine"... Doing FANTASTIC ...
Read more : Who here is on Full Fast 6+0? | Views : 1333 | Replies : 12

Too Skinny?

OK, I have to ask this question.

In the last week, I have had two people make statements to me that have me a little bothered.

One of my bestest of friends told me on Friday that I have to be careful because my face is looking too thin and don't loose too much more weight.

Then yesterday at a wedding, my aunt saw me and said "Keri, you are looking too thin.... you have ...
Read more : Too Skinny? | Views : 778 | Replies : 9

7oz before or after cooking?

Which weight is the one to take? Meat weighs less after its cooked. Which way are we supposed to be measuring?
Read more : 7oz before or after cooking? | Views : 489 | Replies : 8

Anyone willing to post

Their daily eating schedule?

I was reading the quick start again last night and it says we should be having 900 to 1000 calories a day. I log my meals into mymedifast (mainly because it is wicked fun to see graphs and charts) and it adds up your calories, protein, sodium etc. It is interesting to look at.

Anyway, if I have my 5 a day then 7oz of chicken, salad or whatever veggies it ...
Read more : Anyone willing to post | Views : 421 | Replies : 11


Welcome to the Medifast "Half Way Club", Elke!! Yes, it does feel great! And, you have done so very well on this program--Congratulations!!! :D

Read more : WTG, ELKE!! | Views : 603 | Replies : 7

Bad habits and fighting your body......

Let me start by saying I haven't cheated, even weighing my l&g religiously. My bad habit is weighing myself, daily and sometimes more than once a day. I know, I know, that's bad but it's like a compulsion I can't seem to stop. I put the scale in the top of the closet but it calls to me......Anyone else have that problem?

My other issue is fighting with my body. I like this program more ...
Read more : Bad habits and fighting your body...... | Views : 432 | Replies : 6


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