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Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

I am so fed up..Update, hissy fit over now

I am sitting here bawling like a two year old. I havent had any MF in 2 or 3 day. Its not my fault. My autoship order was supposed to be sent August 3. Because of this new system change not only did I not get my discount (been told that will be fixed next month so I am fine with it) but they never sent my order. I called yesterday and was told it ...
Read more : I am so fed up..Update, hissy fit over now | Views : 1123 | Replies : 23

I am proud of myself

Aunt Flo is visiting and I am craving salt and crunchy things. I want Ruffles SO BAD that I can feel it. I forgot to bring MF crackers or soy crisps, so I was basically screwed.

I went across the street to the deli to get something to nibble on.

I found SOY CRISPS! YAY!!!!!!

They doe not taste bad, and have:

70 calories per serving
1 gram of fat
170 mg sodium
9 g ...
Read more : I am proud of myself | Views : 308 | Replies : 3

ramen noodle seasoning packet question

well this is the broke college student in me trying to get by :mrgreen: so bare with me...

i'm cheap and have a stock pile of ramen left. i know i cant eat the noodles but what about the seaoning packet? i know its mainly salt but i love the chicken flavor and would like to add pinches to my medifast soups to add taste - ...
Read more : ramen noodle seasoning packet question | Views : 702 | Replies : 5

50 pound club please

Today I am happy to report I have lost 50 pounds! I would never have believed it if I wasn't seeing it with my own eyes. I have lost 50 pounds! It makes me so happy to be able to say that :lol:

Thank you all my fellow medifasters for helping me to get to this point in my journey toward a healthy me.

Read more : 50 pound club please | Views : 434 | Replies : 12

Does Taking in Less Carbs help weight loss?

I have been seing a lot of people on the board talking about taking in less carbs and trying to figure out how to lower their over all carb intake while being on Medifast.

I am reading the latest book out by Medifast called " The Secret is Out~ The Medifast Diet" In the beginning of the book they explore Myth's. And I qoute.

Myth 2 ~ Cutting Carbs is the key to wight lose. ...
Read more : Does Taking in Less Carbs help weight loss? | Views : 516 | Replies : 12

fav L&G Places

i have to say i've been on the hunt for great places to eat my L&G. I've started trying to eat it for lunch b/c when i cook soups/chili they taste best hot off the stove. 8) instead of nuked in the microwave at work. :puke:

i do cook the oatmeal in a cup a work though for breakfast ...
Read more : fav L&G Places | Views : 975 | Replies : 16

Sugar make you sick?

First of all, I must admit I am not perfect. I try hard but I can't seem to resist licking the spoon when I make brownies or a birthday cake or sneaking a bit of cookie dough when baking cookies. BUT, I regret it almost immediately. Within minutes I get nausea and horrible cramps in my stomach. And the gas pains---WOWEE! not to mention the inevitable aftermath of horrid gas pains.

Does this happen to ...
Read more : Sugar make you sick? | Views : 381 | Replies : 6

What do you consider a snack?

I have been reading the new Medifast Book called, " The secret is out, the medifast diet". I am learning that I am over doing it on the condiments. One person says you can have a tablespoon, another a teaspoon and so.

If you have coffee in the morning and you have cream in it, does that count as your one snack a day? If you have a pickle spear or two is that all ...
Read more : What do you consider a snack? | Views : 2907 | Replies : 15

Shakes vs Meals

I just began Medifast today and I only have one thing I am not sure about. I have read that you MUST have at least 3 shakes per day. But I have also read that all the meals are interchangable. So, instead of 3 shakes I was planning this:

Peach oatmeal
vanilla shake
chicken soup
Medifast bar
Lean & green meal
Medifast latte

Is this right? Please someone let me know if I am doing ...
Read more : Shakes vs Meals | Views : 397 | Replies : 8

Need Support

Good Morning to all my friends here ! I know I haven't posted to roll call in quite a while and I apologize for being away for so long. I've been very drepressed for the last two months, my 15 year old dog, Lucky, our Field Spaniel, is going ... and neither my husband nor I, have the courage to put her down.

We love her very much and are praying for her to go ...
Read more : Need Support | Views : 530 | Replies : 14


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