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Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Swiss Mocha Shake

Ok. I've always liked the swiss mocha shake. I noticed the weird chalky taste, but it never bugged me. Today I made my shake almost 40 minutes before I drank it, and a lot of the chalkiness calmed down. There's still sort of an aftertaste of it, but for those of you who hate this shake because of this taste.. try making it ahead of time and see if you like it better.
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mixing protein in L&G

I was wondering can you mix ur protein when you have ur L&G? Like 4oz chicken and 3 oz of tuna? or any other combination within the weight range? :D

I thought u can as long as it comes out to the right amount but i wanted to know if i could before hand.

I want to make a dish tonight w/ chicken and shimp and ...
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A new club please Unca

I failed the no weigh in till September :x The good news is I am now in the 30 club *YAY*. From a skin tight size 18 with three rolls hanging over the pant tops (muffin tops I think is the correct term) to a comfy size 15-16 (I love JC Penny's creative sizing!).
Read more : A new club please Unca | Views : 281 | Replies : 8

Drugstore bar substitute

I goofed up and didn't plan my shipment to properly coincide with my supply of bars. I have a week until my goodies get here and no meal bars to help me through. While I don't have to have a bar for a meal it makes life so much more convenient and easier to stay on plan. Which brings me to my question.....has anyone found a particular bar, which can be bought at the drugstore, ...
Read more : Drugstore bar substitute | Views : 1934 | Replies : 6

classes and job update

well i've been working as an intern for an big energy company for the summer. This is my last week working here, then classes start monday and i go back to my crappy job from a lil over a year ago. Working in a deli/bakery dept of a grocey store.

There are both cons and pros to this....

working with food! i'm a cake decorater!
the pay - (is $10 less an hour than ...
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question for the experts...

Ok... so I ordered the shakes and they should be here in the next 2 days. My question is.... Is anyone here doing the full fast instead of the 5 and 1 plan? And if so are you under doctor's supervision? I am 23, and healthy as can be other than being 100 lbs overweight, so i am wanting to do the full fast for now, possibly 16 weeks to get a lot of this ...
Read more : question for the experts... | Views : 497 | Replies : 11

Splenda Has Carbs???

I was doing some internet reading, last night, and came across a low carb forum that was pretty good. They are stating that each packet of splenda has 0.9 grams of carbs. This was totally shocking to me, as MF allows up to 10 packets per day. I'm trying to corroborate this data and am curious if any of you know if this is true.
Read more : Splenda Has Carbs??? | Views : 3308 | Replies : 51

Question for the hair experts re: Nioxin

I have a question for the hair experts out there. I got my Nioxin and used it this morning, no problems. My question is: Do I need to wash my hair every day? I'm used to every other day. I have this notion that the less I mess with my hair, the less that will fall out, lol.
Read more : Question for the hair experts re: Nioxin | Views : 948 | Replies : 10

I bought my first Davinci's so...

What do I do with it? LOL I was wandering thru TJ Maxx today and remembered someone saying that it was sold there so I found some. I bought a bottle of caramel. I dont know what to do with though. They had several kinds there and another brand with even more.
Read more : I bought my first Davinci's so... | Views : 1021 | Replies : 15


I was wondering, how many puddings can you have in one day? The only things that I really like, are the pudding, hot chocolate, and hot chai teas. I can tollerate the chocolate and vanilla shakes, so I wanted to know if I can have multiple puddings?
Read more : Pudding? | Views : 418 | Replies : 3


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