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Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Question about making stir-fry.

I want to stir-fry chicken and veggies tonight, but I have a question. Since the chicken is raw, do I need to cook it seperately in another pan, or can I immediately put it in with the chicken? I cook the chicken in the wok and then add the veggies to it?

Read more : Question about making stir-fry. | Views : 419 | Replies : 4

Hair Loss- When to Worry?

Hi all!

So, lately I've been noticing a serious increase in the amount of "shedding" my hair is doing. My hair is naturally thick and I have quite a lot of it, so I've always been one to leave a hair trail about. But lately (especially after conditioning) I notice that instead of a few strands it is more like many strands. I wouldn't say clumps, and I'm not sure I notice the difference, but ...
Read more : Hair Loss- When to Worry? | Views : 919 | Replies : 7

Liquid only question


My doctor suggested I check into Medifast.

I see a lot of information about the 5 & 1 plan (I think that's the name) but nothing about liquid only... I've seen a few posts here and there from people who did liquid only but nothing describing how to do it.

I have sent an email to the people at the medifast website asking them for more information but thought maybe someone here could also ...
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eating out

I don't have time to read through ALL these pages right now, so if this is a repeat question - sorry!

I'm just wondering if any of y'all have suggestions for what to eat at restaurants or fast food? my friends & parents ate McD's salads nearly every day when they were on the program - it was their L&G, but I want to know if that is technically ok? I'm nearing the end of ...
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Question for the veterans.

WATER....How important is drinking water in your weight loss. Do you think it really makes a difference whether you drink water or say artificially sweetened iced tea or diet soda? I drink probably 64 oz tea and about the same in caffeine free diet soda. I am getting fluids in. I do not feel like drinking water right now. I feel the above mentioned drinks help me stay on track.
Opinions and experience please.
Read more : Question for the veterans. | Views : 483 | Replies : 4

Headache question?

I hope this is the correct forum to post this.

I've been on the 5+1 plan for almost 2 weeks now. The first week was great, no headaches and i didn't even have hunger cravings. However the past 5 days i've had a constant headache, and a sense of cloudyness. I wake up to this feeling and it dosent even go away at any point during the day.

I thought it was a lack of ...
Read more : Headache question? | Views : 2994 | Replies : 8

needed some input from someone

Hello everyone

I’m starting to have some concerns. I’ve been medifasting for 3 months now or so, and I’ve stopped loosing weight now. This has been about the last 2 - 3 weeks. Also i can't seem to go back into ketosis. I'm working out about 40 mins a day of light cardio and following my meals like before? I'm not really sure what to do. I've tried dumping the bar. l and g for ...
Read more : needed some input from someone | Views : 1123 | Replies : 21


If the RTD have been in my fridge, then got warm, are they ok to drink still?

I left a couple in my cooler tote overnight in the car and of course the ice packs were not cold anymore, neiher were the rtd's.

Wasn't sure if it's like other things that once they are warmed not good to re-refrigerate them. Not sure how to say that. :) ...
Read more : RTD QUESTION | Views : 437 | Replies : 10

no products!

So I JUST got a shipping notice for my order. I have two shakes left and the rest are soups. Probably not enough to get me through till Tuesday, which is more than likely when the order will get here.

So my question is, I have these shakes that I bought before MF (still good) but they take skim milk instead of water. I noticed that if we don't have MF, we can drink skim ...
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What do you eat for you lean and how often?

I'm just curious what people are eating for their lean portion. Before Medifast I never _ever_ ate this much meat so I sometimes wonder if I should try different stuff.

I usually eat chicken, but I have steak probably twice a week sometimes more. I have fish every couple weeks. I've had a boca burger with a side of cheese once, and I've had just cheese maybe twice.

It's horrible, but I've bought other meat ...
Read more : What do you eat for you lean and how often? | Views : 1085 | Replies : 24


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