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Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Don't deny yourself

Di found this article and we shared with others. ;)
I just love finding things that reiterate what the TSFL and Medifast programs have been saying all along:

Don't deny yourself food after 8pm

Remember the infamous diet rule of not eating after 8pm? Well, it's years later since many changes have been made to what was once considered to be sound dietary advice (has anyone seen ...
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If I had only known then...

In this thread, we share our MF tips & tricks.

For me, I struggled so much with the oatmeal and soups at the beginning.. they would explode in the microwave.. the TVP in the chix noodle and the veggies in the chix wild rice would get so gummy.. it was horrible.. oatmeal was always too runny, or would cook into a sort of lumpy chewy thing and adding water didn't help.. cooking on the stove ...
Read more : If I had only known then... | Views : 1291 | Replies : 4


How do you make your pudding?
I like the taste of both the choco and vanilla, but the consistancy is never right when I follow the directions.. and experimenting has not given good results either.

I usually take 4oz old water, as it suggests, dump the pkt in and whisk with a fork. it's always lumpy and/or has pockets of dry powder no matter how much I whisk it. I've tried making 2 pkts at ...
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Chai Latte

I was just wondering if the Chai latte has caffiene in it. I dont see it saying on the box that it does, I just wanna make sure if I take it at night I can still sleep!
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With no Medifast food. I had to go to a meeting and it took way longer than I thought. I would never have made it back to work, I was sooo hungry. They only had pastries so I ate a protein bar my brother had. ( I work w/family) How bad will it mess me up?

It's not to far off from the MF bar that I normally eat

My bar:
Cal: 170
Cal from ...
Read more : GOT STUCK TODAY... | Views : 917 | Replies : 2

A little something for restarters, and never enders

I just listened to Dr. Andersen on the Doctors Support Call and one of the folks talked about their problems getting restarted.

He addressed her issue with a great thing that I need to remember myself. He used an analogy about becoming a world class pianist. If we wanted to become a world class pianist, we would practice... no matter how tired we are or what distractions come up. We make the primary choice and ...
Read more : A little something for restarters, and never enders | Views : 1180 | Replies : 1

THIRST: I am SO thirsty!

HELP! I am SO thirsty I don't know what is going on!! I highly doubt that I am not getting enough to drink....

Today I have had:

2 RTD's
68 ounces of plain water
16.9 ounces of water with infusers - I had three of these

Yesterday I was thirsty all day too - I had roughly the same amount of water but probably more becuase I didn't have infusers.

I haven't had any salt ...
Read more : THIRST: I am SO thirsty! | Views : 3961 | Replies : 12

What do you do when you travel?!?!?!

Hi all:

I'd love to hear any wonderful, novel ideas about creative ways to do MF while on travel.

Normally this isn't a huge issue for me as a pack a suitcase with RTD's and carry a bar with me on the plane - have a shake before I go and an RTD when I land (if its time), etc.

HOWEVER, I have a back and forth flight coming up - - I'll be flying ...
Read more : What do you do when you travel?!?!?! | Views : 10917 | Replies : 27

FEELING TERRIFIC!! as I approach the end of my 3rd MF month

Hello All,
I usually post questions to this Forum but thought and felt compelled to share, with you all, how great I've been feeling now that I'm approaching the end of my 3rd month.
I've lost 25 pounds (keep in mind I went off twice due to family holiday gatherings) and REALLY FEELING so much better than I have in years about my weight. 5 yrs ago, I gave birth to my first child and ...
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