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Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Quick-Start Guide

Can someone please post the link for the online Quick Start Guide?

Read more : Quick-Start Guide | Views : 634 | Replies : 3

Do Citric and Other Acids Knock Out Ketosis??

Can anyone answer this? My cousin just told me that I should not be having anything citric. I like to drink warm water with lemon every morning to cleanse my liver etc. I have been doing this for ages. But she said I must stop doing this as it will throw me out of ketosis. :shock: :cry: ...
Read more : Do Citric and Other Acids Knock Out Ketosis?? | Views : 3273 | Replies : 7

What to Do if Your L&G is Horrible

Hi all,

For the past two days, I have had my L&G in either a family outing or business meeting. Both today and yesterday, the L&G sucked! It was just plain awful. Today's is still sitting on my desk - grilled chicken with salad. I could not afford to leave the meeting to go get another meal and at the family outing nothing else was legal. What is the "legal" thing to do in this ...
Read more : What to Do if Your L&G is Horrible | Views : 514 | Replies : 5

Anyone else start with less than 40 pounds to lose?

I have 38 pounds to lose and was wondering about how long it will take. I know everyone is different but I'd like to see how long it took others to lose. I haven't received my food yet I'm hoping I will tomorrow as I'm anxious to get started.

I also suffer with allergies and sinus problems and was wondering if anyone improved in that area since the diet is so healthy.

I have lost ...
Read more : Anyone else start with less than 40 pounds to lose? | Views : 492 | Replies : 8

Well, I am back

WOW. I took a month and 1/2 off due to lack of fundage ($$$$) and then two weeks ago, I had my appendix out, but I am back now and going to start the program tomorrow. This is seriously the most amazing thing I have ever done. (Outside of child birth- the most amazing thing I have done for myself) I was laying in bed last night, and the only word that describes going from ...
Read more : Well, I am back | Views : 476 | Replies : 12

H20 with a straw

Just read in Shape magazine that people who drink their H2O with a straw are able to "swig" more. Interesting since I have issues with water. Maybe I should buy some straws <G>.
Read more : H20 with a straw | Views : 465 | Replies : 7

I miss my oatmeal!

I just ran out of MF oatmeal yesterday. I didn't think it would be such a biggy, but it is! I usually have oatmeal as my 2nd supplement of the day. It really fills me up and sustains me for the late morning hours when I'm usually out and about.

This morning I had a shake instead and I bearly made it for 2 hours before I had to eat again! ...
Read more : I miss my oatmeal! | Views : 435 | Replies : 1

Water Fun Facts


How much water are you drinking a day? Are you drinking your 64 ounces minimum?? Maybe these facts will help you drink that water...

1. Drinking too little water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

2. Three (3) out of four (4) Americans are chronically dehydrated. Just think what the percentage is for the world population.

3. Your metabolism can slow as much as 30% even from mild dehydration. Speed up ...
Read more : Water Fun Facts | Views : 486 | Replies : 3

homemade chili?

Any thoughts on why homemade chili, made with lean ground beef, couldn't be a L & G? And any thoughts on how to measure the portion?
Read more : homemade chili? | Views : 538 | Replies : 2

yocheese or yogurt cheese?

I thought I read a post here stating the MF nutritionist said we could have yocheese / yogurt cheese as part/whole lean portion of our L+G .. I cant find that post again and does anybody know if this is true or not? Or did I dream it :lol:
Read more : yocheese or yogurt cheese? | Views : 507 | Replies : 8


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