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Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Supplement that might help with cravings.

I visited my Doctor today and she reccomended an amino acid supplement called TransLean Plus. It is supposed to regulate serotonin and Norapenephrin in the brain (2 neurotransmitters that affect appetite). There is a high success rate with this product. It does take a few weeks to kick in as it has to change the brain chemistry. I just wanted to share. I started today and will keep youo all posted!

Read more : Supplement that might help with cravings. | Views : 650 | Replies : 7

Scared, Nervous, and wondering

The thing I have noticed on this site is the high rate of success and lack of difficulty people have with MF compared to other diets. I have been on Weight Watchers, South Beach, etc. and alot seem to strugle. Sure most strugle at times on MF but there is so much more positive.

My question: what is the long-term success rate for MF? I don't deny that people take off the weigh, but do ...
Read more : Scared, Nervous, and wondering | Views : 527 | Replies : 4

Calling All men?...if there are any here....

I don't see a lot of men on this site. Would like to know how you are doing
Read more : Calling All men?...if there are any here.... | Views : 640 | Replies : 7

Diet drinks - Read before taking another drink

This is an interesting site about the negative effects of Aspartame, which is the sweetner in drinks such as Diet Coke.

<snip>no urls please - Mr. Snippy</snip>

Drink at your own risk!

If you still wish to drink Diet Coke after looking at this site, I would be glad to buy you a case!
Read more : Diet drinks - Read before taking another drink | Views : 627 | Replies : 9

Carb/Sugar Addiction

I have a question:

Are any of you food addicts, especially carb/sugar addicts. Carbs and sugar are my weekness. For those of you who can relate, how has medifast affected you carb/sugar - food addiction?


Read more : Carb/Sugar Addiction | Views : 995 | Replies : 11

Starting - few questions - calorie intake safe


I am starting medifast this weekend and have a few questions.

First, is it safe and healthy to eat only 800-1000 calories a day? Everything I have ever heard states other wise.

Secondly, do you find that you have less energy due to the drastic decrease in calories?

Thirdly, with so little calories, do you find yourself feeling hungry all the time?

I am just curious as what to expect.

Read more : Starting - few questions - calorie intake safe | Views : 618 | Replies : 3

Tips on making meals in advance?

I am starting a new job soon, where I will not have the same kind of flexibility I have now. Because of that, I will need to find a way to eat my lean and green during my lunch break, which will not allow a lot of time to prepare meals. The current plan is to make things in advance, like grilled chicken, and simply keep it in the refrigerator for the week. Aside from ...
Read more : Tips on making meals in advance? | Views : 1078 | Replies : 16

Cheating- feeling bad- Throwing Up

O.K. I am going to look very much messed up after this. I am scared to death of not suceeding sometimes... I ate tortilla chips at a Mex rest. and felt terrible and made myself puke when I got home. This is not right, but somehow my messed up brain justified doing this... What are the ramifications of this- I have never seen this addressed here. I may as well face that I am mentally ...
Read more : Cheating- feeling bad- Throwing Up | Views : 958 | Replies : 8

Losing inches!

My second week weight loss is on Wednesday, so I'll see how I do then, but I took my measurements when I first started and just took them again today, and I can't believe it! I've already lost 1 1/2 inches in the chest, 3 inches in my waist! (which is where all my weight is), and 1 1/2 inches in my hips! I think that's amazing in just 1 1/2 weeks. I was really ...
Read more : Losing inches! | Views : 618 | Replies : 6


I already drank 12 glasses of water and it is ony 1:00 PM here.......should I stop???????????
Read more : Waterlogged!!! | Views : 397 | Replies : 5


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