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Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

YAY- It was a Lab Error...

Just heard back from my doctor. The scary Potassium from yesteday turned out to be a "lab error'. The retest this morning showed everything in perfect order.. yayayayay....and the best part is that this doctor wants me to stop taking my BP meds. He agreed that my last reading of 97/55 counter indicates the need for me to be on the meds...diabetes or not.

Whew :whoohoo:

Read more : YAY- It was a Lab Error... | Views : 622 | Replies : 10

High Potassium Level

Just got a call from my doctor stating that I had an "emergency reading" in my blood test taken yesterday. He said my potassium level is too high at 5.7. I think he said 5.3 is the highest acceptable number. But, he is questioning the validity of the test results because he said the rest of my blood work wasn't just was excellent. So I've got to go in tomorrow morning to take another ...
Read more : High Potassium Level | Views : 1444 | Replies : 4

New products!!!!

Remember that beef stew they've been promising for ages?? Apparently it's now available, along with vanilla pudding.

Kinda too late for me (although I may try the pudding with some DaVinci or a little sugar-free pistachio pudding mix), but WOO HOO!!!!
Read more : New products!!!! | Views : 645 | Replies : 9

Pre-mixing Shakes?

Hey guys,
New here. Anyone try premixing the shakes and taking them to go in a thermos? How do they hold up on the go?
Read more : Pre-mixing Shakes? | Views : 537 | Replies : 5

Should I still try my MF?

The drs told me to stick to a bland diet with no spices and no fat etc. So I have been eating scrambled eggs and saltines today and last night. I would rather try to stick to my MF until I have the surgery. I would think MF would be fine, maybe if I just do shakes? Right now I am so afraid to eat because it will hurt. I just dont know what to ...
Read more : Should I still try my MF? | Views : 1191 | Replies : 21

Question about medifast for obese teen's

I am 15 years old 5'9 and weight about 240 lbs. My mom ordered medifast for me about a 2 weeks ago and I havn't started it yet. I was wondering if I can or rather should be eating more calories than is recommended, because I am not 18. I am going to start working out everyday and I am planing on increasing my calories to like 1500, I was thinking that I could eat ...
Read more : Question about medifast for obese teen's | Views : 2291 | Replies : 20


Welll, it has been a long time coming (I feel like Robin!) :? but Unca, could you please change my number? :shock: :D I promise, they will change faster from here on in.... :oops:
Read more : WHEW!!! 60 POUNDS UNCA! | Views : 1034 | Replies : 15

Hey thats good

I saw in some thread somewhere that Robin ads the caramel syrup to a choc shake. I just tried it. YUM. Now I am going to have to go to TJ Maxx tomorrow and see if I can get some others that she mentioned...hazlenut, marshmallow....
Read more : Hey thats good | Views : 1235 | Replies : 18

importanceof the 6th meal?

I had a question about the MF meals. How important is the 6th meal. I start my day with my first MF shake at 7 am, then have my L&G at 7 pm. I am usually in bed by 9 pm. Should i make myself have the last supplement before I go to bed or will my diet be okay without it.Thanks!
Read more : importanceof the 6th meal? | Views : 565 | Replies : 1


15 posts, and most of them are negative thoughts. You cant survive with all that negativity about the plan. Come here for support, try to get all the other stuff out of your mind. Just my 2cents, but its not positive to see all those posts, most of them complaining/negative

Good Luck with the program :exercise:

Read more : dkearby | Views : 580 | Replies : 4


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