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Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

Not Hungry...

Hey guys...I need some input. I don't remember this happening to me before, but I just do not want to eat...anything. I had to force myself to eat my lean and green the past two nights and today I am having to force myself to eat my medifast. I don't feel bad or anything, I am just not hungry (my hubby says I must be terminally ill if I am not hungry) LOL.

Has this ...
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A (not-so-new) and exciting discovery

OK, I'm a bit dim, I admit it. I heard everyone raving about the chai and the capuccino, so I got some. When I prepared them my usual way (dump in cup, douse with boiling water, stir) I was APPALLED at the result. Undrinkable! Nasty!

Naturally, I thought "Hmm...all those people out there are having hallucinations. They just THINK that nasty stuff with the sludge on top is good!" It couldn't be me.

So then ...
Read more : A (not-so-new) and exciting discovery | Views : 635 | Replies : 6

Oh Unca...

Unca Tim!!! Unca Tim!!!! I made it to the #10 club!! Whoo hooo :) :yay:
Read more : Oh Unca... | Views : 475 | Replies : 7

TGI Friday's

I know I am a sucker for punishment by asking this, but what is safe to eat at Friday's tonight?

Don't worry, I won't tell you what I ate afterward just in case!
Read more : TGI Friday's | Views : 2451 | Replies : 22

I am so happy I did...........................


Tuesdays are my weigh in. The first 2 weeks of this wonderful diet I lost really good numbers. Then this passed tuesday I weighed in and only lost 1# :x . I was devastated. But I said to myself I am not going to let this get me down. Then ON Wed. I weighed myself again. (same) Now I am really Mad. ...
Read more : I am so happy I did........................... | Views : 499 | Replies : 8

What do you do when the cravings hit?

I am nearing the end of my first week back on the wagon, and have been fighting the cravings daily.. Just wanted to get some ideas of what others do to get through these times of insanity.

I have been...

1. Whitening my teeth....sounds funny but you have to keep the strips on for 30 minutes..which is usually the amount of time my cravings last.. Of course I can't do this for much longer or ...
Read more : What do you do when the cravings hit? | Views : 1419 | Replies : 21

"On the Border"

I am going here tonight with DH- what can I get aside from fajitas? I planned on getting chicken fajitas with extra peppers, but if anyone has any great ideas, let me know!

I wonder if they have a Medifast Margarita?!?
Read more : "On the Border" | Views : 1302 | Replies : 17

Take cover...the wicked witch is back! two and I am in MAJOR carb withdrawal!!! MAJOR!!!! Honestly if I didn't just have a bowl of chili (my medifast comfort food) I would have freaked!! My poor family. They must feel like dorothy running from the wicked witch!!!! Perhaps I should just take a nap!
Read more : Take cover...the wicked witch is back! | Views : 491 | Replies : 6

Advice and Opinions requested

Hi all...

Today is day two for husband and I are supposed to take two ladies out to dinner at Texas Road House for dinner tonight, as thanks for taking care of our cat over the holidays, while we were out of town.

Question...I'm not sure how I will be feeling come this evening and if I am not feeling strong, would it be rude to send my 15 year old daughter in my ...
Read more : Advice and Opinions requested | Views : 602 | Replies : 13

soy crisps

I ran out of soy crisps. :cry:

I was wondering if there is any kind I can buy at the store :?:

The Patriots play on Sunday, and I know I will need a snack to munch on while everyone else is having chips & dip.
Read more : soy crisps | Views : 1237 | Replies : 16


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