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Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.

A few questions.. thanks : )

Ok I have a couple questions, if someone doesn't mind helping me out :)

1 - RTD's vs. Regular shakes.. I don't mind carrying a shaker jar with me and a packet or 2 of shakes.. and I always carry a bottle of water with me no matter what, so it's not about the convenience so much.. but I find the shakes are sort of "grainy".. and ...
Read more : A few questions.. thanks : ) | Views : 482 | Replies : 7

Turkey bacon?

Is turkey bacon ok? I looked up the nutrition on it:

Serving size 14g (0.5 oz)

35 cal
2.8 fat
170mg sodium
0.2 carbs
2.1 protein

I'm considering turkey burgers for dinner, with caramelized onions and swiss cheese..
Read more : Turkey bacon? | Views : 7650 | Replies : 135

Breakfast L & G ???

I may be having a breakfast meeting (at a restaurant) with some friends and was wondering what would constitute a Breakfast-style Lean and Green?

Read more : Breakfast L & G ??? | Views : 632 | Replies : 7

question for people losing more than 100 lbs

I'm at 117 lost right now, and probably want to lose another 13 lbs or so. Really, when I quit now depends more on how I look than what number is on the scale....

Which leads me to this question: for those of you losing such a large amount of weight, did you have huge areas of excess skin on your body once you were done? Sorry if this sounds nasty, but I have to ...
Read more : question for people losing more than 100 lbs | Views : 8546 | Replies : 67

melamine in MF veg. protein?

In response to info uncovered during investigation of the recent pet food problems, the FDA is now detaining all shipments of a number of vegetable protein sources imported from China.

In a newsletter I receive, validated by a recent article in USA Today, there was the following:

"In an import alert buried deep on its website and just uncovered tonight,
the FDA last Friday expanded its hold on imported foods from China -
ingredients including ...
Read more : melamine in MF veg. protein? | Views : 1258 | Replies : 26

Diet Soda Question

I allow myself one diet soda a day. Usually I buy Diet Coke Cherry Vanilla. Last night my husband brought home some Coca Cola Cherry Zero instead. Is there one that is better to have while Medifasting?
Read more : Diet Soda Question | Views : 1963 | Replies : 27

lemon juice and pickles

I had mergez (a sort of spicy middle eastern sausage) the other day.. usually I like it with pita bread and ketchup and pickle, but instead I used a couple of lettuce leaves and made a sort of hot dog bun with it.. and wanted to add chopped pickles, but I had already had 2 pickles as a snack.. :(

I am curious, why we are limited ...
Read more : lemon juice and pickles | Views : 867 | Replies : 8

What to do when you are sick...

I have been sick since Wednesday. I am finally no longer running a fever and I think the bowel problems have finally subsided - at least I hope they have. I have stayed on program but I am very weak. I can barely walk from one end of my house to the other. I took a bath this morning hoping to help me feel better only to have to lay down for a while afterwards. ...
Read more : What to do when you are sick... | Views : 535 | Replies : 4

Question for Active Duty DH RE: Medifast

Well guys, I am back!
This is my first week back on Medifast...I SHOULD HAVE NEVER GONE OFF>>>>>!
Well that being said, I have inspired my Dh to join in.
He has about 50lbs to loose.The question is regarding PT...he has to workout, so we were wondering what he should do about that.Should he add a suppliment to his 5 and 1 plan?
Thnx in advanced
Read more : Question for Active Duty DH RE: Medifast | Views : 704 | Replies : 3

question about the shakes..

I hate the shakes!

They all taste really horrible to me. I much prefer the soups.

My question is, can I have cappuccino or chai or cocoa or whatever for breakfast (because soup in the morning is gross), and then have soups for the other 4?

Basically, I want to skip the shakes all together.
I've read conflicting instructions about this, some say it's ok to have 5 of anything (except bars), and others say ...
Read more : question about the shakes.. | Views : 1190 | Replies : 16


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