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5 weeks =20.5 lbs OHHHHHHH YEAAAAAAA

Wow......please please toss me into the wonderful 20# club!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe I actually lost 20.5 lbs.I am so so thrilled. I have never lost so much weight so easy.
I LOVE MEDIFAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Read more : 5 weeks =20.5 lbs OHHHHHHH YEAAAAAAA | Views : 344 | Replies : 12

starting out the week


Good Monday Morning fellow-MFasters,

What a great way to start out my week on this Monday morning.

Yesterday at roll call I thought I'd have to wait 'til next week to meet two mini-goals.

Welllllllllllll, this morning I step on the scale and 199 :lol:

That's ONEderland AND joining the 20 lb. club. Yeah!!!

Wishing you all a wonderful and compliant week.

BTW - I'm holding ...
Read more : starting out the week | Views : 389 | Replies : 13

Screwed up big today...

I don't know what came over me today. I was doing fine. Then I just went whacko and now I'm busting at the seams, and I feel horrible and stuffed.

I feel like I need to redeem myself and either not eat anything tomorrow, or do 6-0 for a couple of days. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I have not fallen this far off MF in the 8 weeks that I've been on it. I ...
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Just wanted to say ta-ta for now. I'll be online at work a little the next few nights, but I'm going to be dismantling my computer and network at home tomorrow so I can start hauling it over to the new house (I don't want the movers touching any of this stuff). It might take me a few days to get everything up and running again, but I'm shooting for sometime Wednesday.

Take care, everybody! ...
Read more : TTFN | Views : 477 | Replies : 14

First week weight loss

This is my first week back - 15 pounds to my goal... can anyone give me some advice on how much I can expect to lose the first week - I can't remember how much I lost my first week the last time but I believe it was around 5 lbs?

Also I know there's not drinking but how harmful will it be to have one glass of wine for my anniversary?
Read more : First week weight loss | Views : 432 | Replies : 2

Good job, Ark!

Hey, Ark, I know you've been struggling, but I saw in Terri's thread about her birthday that you managed to stay on plan, and I just wanted to congratulate you. I know it's tough sometimes (BELIEVE me, I know), so nice going!
Read more : Good job, Ark! | Views : 408 | Replies : 10

Hey Falisamarie!!

I just wanted to do a little happy dance for Lisa. SHE IS 1 LB AWAY FROM ONDERLAND!! CONGRATULATIONS!!


I see that you set your summer goal to be near 200!! Well you are there already and summer isn't even here yet! Image
Read more : Hey Falisamarie!! | Views : 713 | Replies : 20

I need something sweet!

Hi All. I'm seriously craving something sweet today and I was wondering how bad it would be if I had 2 bars today (already had 1 this morning) or how about 1/2 of one instead of a shake? I've been bad for the past 2 weeks (on and off) and I said today I would get back on track and I mean it. I have only 3 weeks before my goal end date and I ...
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So this morning I was getting dressed and was putting on my jeans. I zipped them up and something wasn't right. I typically wear relaxed fit and these didn't seem like they were relaxed fit and seemed a bit long for me .... but they fit me perfectly. I unzipped them and looked......... 32 x 32 ...... THEY WERE MY HUSBAND'S JEANS!!!! OH MY GOD!!!! So now I just look at his rearend and think...... ...
Read more : OH MY GOD!!! | Views : 1170 | Replies : 15

ate 2 green meals today!!!

:| Am i in trouble?? I had my lean and green meal at 2:00afternoon(i work early mornings) and had my last shake at 4:30 i did a bunch of running around and my boyfriend wanted to stop and get something to eat(the house is stocked with mf products, h20 and salad and chicken) well we went. I had lemonh2o to drink and ordered spicy chicken taco salad ...
Read more : ate 2 green meals today!!! | Views : 368 | Replies : 4


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