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Sorry to shout, but can you please let me into the 60# club????
Read more : UNCA!!! COME QUICK!!! | Views : 791 | Replies : 24

Cigarettes, Fudge rounds and a showdown

I thought this was funny and wanted to share with you guys.

Yesterday morning my hubby announced to me that he was quitting smoking and wanted me to help him so I agreed. When he got home he went to his "secret stash" which I had gotten to before him and had taken his cigarettes and put them in my pocket. Well he asked me for a cigarette and I told him NO! Well the ...
Read more : Cigarettes, Fudge rounds and a showdown | Views : 758 | Replies : 16

About to BURST with this secret!!!!

I can't tell ANYONE this secret here at home and I'm about to BURST. SO, I decided to share it with all of my medifast friends :)

Most of you read how my daughters boyfriend broke up with her (a week before her 15th birthday). WELL, at the crack of dawn this morning, I spoke to my mother on the phone...AND she & dad were 2 hours ...
Read more : About to BURST with this secret!!!! | Views : 913 | Replies : 15

Ladies I need help......

Well it's that time of the month and I think I'm gonna lose it.....
All I want to do is go to the grocery store buy a pint of Hagen Daz, a bag of Doritos, get home put my jammies on and call Pizza Hut! Even knowing in reality I won't do any of those things I just want to eat every and anything in sight. I have drank so much water today to try ...
Read more : Ladies I need help...... | Views : 463 | Replies : 7

Just Checking in

I weighed yesterday and was pleasantly surprised..

I've now lost a total of 57.5 lbs. 60lb club, here I come!

Ignore my ticker, I seem to be ticker inept.. lol

I am so thrilled, I have people coming out of the woodwork all of a sudden complimenting me. "Wow, have you lost weight??" DUH!

Just a little.... :D

I'm loving it! They are all asking what ...
Read more : Just Checking in | Views : 175 | Replies : 2

Having a REALLY BAD DAY!!!!

I cannot believe how bad this day started! I was driving to work, and I got into a car accident! I was driving, and this guy pulled out in front of me. Depending on what color his light was, I am not sure whose fault it was. My light was still yellow, and we were at an intersection. It just bent my fender a little, but the other car got a good sized dent. What ...
Read more : Having a REALLY BAD DAY!!!! | Views : 262 | Replies : 6

frustrated fat girl

OK, so i've been on mf since around 5/17. i'm down 13lbs. since i started at 300, this is not huge. i'm actually getting really concerned. i posted sunday about this (and that maybe it was period weight), but the period is over and the scale hasn't budged. it's too early to plateau!

i am not giving up. i just ordered 5 weeks of mf as incentive to keep going (yes $300 is incentive). but ...
Read more : frustrated fat girl | Views : 773 | Replies : 17

This is like a bad dream!

I just need to vent.....I really don't mean to be negative...but gosh!!!

I have been on plan for 14 days. I have a total loss of 3.8 pounds. What is with that?? Someone said that the first few day's loss is probably water weight. That is when I lost 2.4 pounds of my grand total. That leaves 1.4 pounds net loss. Is my metabolism slowing down to accomidate the drastic cut in calories?

My starting ...
Read more : This is like a bad dream! | Views : 567 | Replies : 10

Ignore "Need some help please..." and "Teache

No message, really. I'm just very gullible -- didn't click on the link (not that gullible) but how can one resist a title like that??

Unca, is it my imagination or are there more spammers lately? Could be that I've just been on a bit more :scratchhead:

Happy voting day, all!
Read more : Ignore "Need some help please..." and "Teache | Views : 302 | Replies : 2

What are 3 things you can't wait to do when you get thin?

I have been thinking about this for myself, and thought it may be fun to see what others are planning too.

3 things I can't wait for are:

1. To wear sleeveless shirts again!

2. To be able to shop in the Jr's section again, and not the "plus" size section!

3. To maybe wear a bathing suit in front of my hubby! Probably not in public, but just at home. ...
Read more : What are 3 things you can't wait to do when you get thin? | Views : 1183 | Replies : 25


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