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Alcohol Calories

I was doing some searching on the web (it's a long story), and came across this very interesting article. Thought I would share it with ya'll. Happy reading!

Why alcohol calories are more important than you think . . .

Successful weight loss is all about oxidizing (or burning), more calories than you eat. When they go on a diet, many people choose low-calorie alcoholic drinks, mainly because they contain fewer alcohol calories than their ...
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unca! I need a a new club!

Thats right ya'll! I am finally in the 20 lbs club!!! woohoo! ITs so great to finally accomplish this!!!!!! Onderland is not too far off and I will be there soon!!!!! I know I can do this, just gotta stay motivated! So this week on friday I will buy a new book and give it to my cousin to hold for me until I get to the 30lbs lost. I can do this! Have a ...
Read more : unca! I need a a new club! | Views : 308 | Replies : 14

maybe I could use some help...

I don't know why, but Medifast is making me seriously depressed. Perhaps because I wasn't able to face the reality that I put on 30 pounds in the last 3 months and already needed to lose probably 20.

But now, all I can think about are my flabby arms, my gigantic thighs, my unacceptable tummy... I'm almost done with week 5 and my clothes have not gotten any looser, although my face is thinner. It's ...
Read more : maybe I could use some help... | Views : 398 | Replies : 6

Scared of vacation!

That dreaded time is upon me! I've worked so hard to lose these 55 pounds and now it's vacation time! :aarggh:

I should be happy and excited since we have never really been on a vacation except to visit my in-laws in Tennessee, but I'm not...I'm scared! Next week we are driving to Wisconsin and will be gone 13 days (hubby is working an airshow). No problem ...
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Off to Bermuda!

I will not be on plan but I plan on behaving a little. Like having Cheerios insetad of bacon, eggs and pancakes for breakfast.

Pray that I don't gain too much!!!
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Plateaus - a fact of life

I had a request from someone to explain how my weight loss has gone and to describe my plateaus. I thought that maybe if I posted the results here, we could begin to understand as a group that plateaus are a fact of life and the plateaus don't prevent us from success. Before you read this, remember that there is no basis for comparison between two people losing weight because we are all different. I ...
Read more : Plateaus - a fact of life | Views : 1137 | Replies : 20

Priceless NSV

Here is a pricelss NSV for 4 year old last night comes over and sits down on my lap and says "you look like a brand new Daddy" and the tells me I have a "brand new face and a brand new tummy." Now if that doesn't make a person feel good nothing would!

Cost of Medifast Products for 14 weeks $782
Medical co-pays for Doctor visits and lab work $200
14 weeks of ...
Read more : Priceless NSV | Views : 737 | Replies : 17

20 Pounds Gone!! (Make that 21)

I was probably the biggest skeptic of Medifast.... really. When my doctor suggested it I rolled my eyes and said here we go again - I had already been placed on Meridia and a low fat diet - lost no weight. None. That was over a month ago. Now three weeks on Medifast and 21lbs lighter my next appointment with my Doc will be on July 20th - needless to say I am going to ...
Read more : 20 Pounds Gone!! (Make that 21) | Views : 534 | Replies : 12

Day 2-Please promise me this will get better!

Today is the 2nd day of my program and I have to admit, that I am really struggling. If anyone wants to know just how terribly I cheated last night, just go read my journal entry for today- I wrote allllllll about it.
But today I have stuck to plan with two meals left to go, and the only thing I ate off plan was a hand full of sunflower seeds, which shouldn't hurt me ...
Read more : Day 2-Please promise me this will get better! | Views : 499 | Replies : 10

Please sign me up for the 40lb club!


I finally made it. I am glad though!

I am doing pretty good with the program, but still unable to eat beef. I posted about this a while back. For some reason every time I eat my required amount of beef, I have severe cramps and diarrhea. No matter what kind it is (I have tried different varieties) it all has this effect. I don't have any problems with diarrhea/cramps at all until I ...
Read more : Please sign me up for the 40lb club! | Views : 328 | Replies : 7


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