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Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)

I just realized I'm over halfway to my goal.

I have lost 93 pounds and I have 92 remaining before I hit my goal.

I guess that counts as a "victory" or something, so I'm supposed to post it. I think we need something higher than the 100 "club", because I'm still going to have 85 pounds to lose when I get there!
Read more : I just realized I'm over halfway to my goal. | Views : 355 | Replies : 11

I could not believe my eyes...

...when I saw 288.2 today on the scale!! :yes: I did it, I'm in the 30# club! :goofyjump:


( can you tell I'm excited )
Read more : I could not believe my eyes... | Views : 819 | Replies : 18

Another NSV

I had to go to the convenience store ("quick rip" as my mom calls it) to buy some beer for my hubby and friends. I got up to the counter and the young lady asked for my ID. I gave her a surprised look and said "Certainly, however I probably old enough to be your mother," beaming that someone actually carded me. For the record, I'm 43 yrs old - I can actually be traded ...
Read more : Another NSV | Views : 236 | Replies : 7

Gallbladder problems?

I have had attacks in the past but not for a long time. I went off plan a bit yesterday (very long story) I usually drink 140 ounces of water and only had 60 yesterday (more part of that story). Bottom line today I am in so much pain. I know from the past it is a gallbladder attack. I dont know what to do about it.
Read more : Gallbladder problems? | Views : 760 | Replies : 11

Feeling Blue, then an NSV Came Through...

Feeling kinda down today. Weight stalled and just feeling fat and flabby the past couple of days. (Maybe it's residue from my karaoke krash...)

At any rate, today I went to the local Vitamin Shoppe and was at the checkout desk when I handed the clerk my AmEx card, the one with the picture on the back. I just got it through Costco but the pic they used was from my Costco ID which I ...
Read more : Feeling Blue, then an NSV Came Through... | Views : 431 | Replies : 13

Am I getting enough sleep?

I wasn't sure where to post this question so here goes.

Everyone talks about how much energy they have while being on medifast. I know I have been in the Medigroove and know how that feels.

Lately, the past couple of weeks, I am never tired at night. I am usually falling sleep at 10pm, now I am up till 12:00 or 1:00 am. Then I'm up at 6 or 7. I can't seem to ...
Read more : Am I getting enough sleep? | Views : 519 | Replies : 12

Nice compliment and other ramblings.

Hubby hugged me tonight and said, "I can feel things on you I haven't felt in a long time. Your waist is getting so tiny" Boy oh boy did that make me feel good. I also got into a new pair of 16 jeans when we went out to dinner. I now have 4 pairs of 16's I'm wearing and I'm starting to eye the pair of 14 inspirational jeans I bought last month. Think ...
Read more : Nice compliment and other ramblings. | Views : 366 | Replies : 3

Yeah me!

Went out to dinner with my old eating buddies. This was my first social night out since starting the program 2 months ago. I had a small field green salad with vinagrette, rare broiled ahi tuna with a steamed broccoli side and a glass of white wine. They ate bread, pasta, and dessert. I wasn't even tempted. WooHoo! Now I'm drinking a big bottle of water. Looking forward to tomorrow's weigh in. ...
Read more : Yeah me! | Views : 301 | Replies : 6

When did you realize.....

that you were really a Medifaster??

For me it was when I was buttering sour dough bread for dinner tonight and did not have One Single tingle to eat the small piece!! :yippee:
Read more : When did you realize..... | Views : 868 | Replies : 15

Yippeee! 7 lbs gone

Its sooooo funny how i was starving the 1st 5 days and now I'm not hungry at all(2wks on sat.)....& i almost forget to eat! I swear i have to force myself to eat every 2-3 hrs. My stomach is getting flatter each day! I wake up in the a.m. and run to the mirror! lol

15 lbs to go! ok well maybe a little more:mrgreen:

MF rox!
Read more : Yippeee! 7 lbs gone | Views : 399 | Replies : 6


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