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Today is my Birthday...

And honestly I did not expect it to be THIS big of a struggle!!!! I am DYING to pig out!!!! It's like I don't know how to celebrate without a bunch of fattening food!!! I know that for my birthday I should give myself the gift of good health...I know I should be able to enjoy my life without carb and fat laden foods. I guess instead of a birthday party...I'm having a pity party ...
Read more : Today is my Birthday... | Views : 707 | Replies : 16

finally hit the 40 lb club

Gezzzzzzzzzzz.....after a vacation off program and then a week to work off what the vacation put on.And then a week of a plateau.I finally hit the 40lb club. Now off to work on the 50lb club.!!!!!!!!!

I hope to be there soon.

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WHAT am I doing??

Hi :)

I'm having a REALLY hard time with MF right now, and I could use some expert input.

I have been doing this nearly 5 months now. The first few were great and I lost 34#. I don't know what's wrong with me the last couple of months, but I am floundering way out there, BIG time. It's like I just can't seem to get my ...
Read more : WHAT am I doing?? | Views : 1949 | Replies : 50

How do I get past old habits?

One of my biggest struggles has always been that I am an emotional eater. When I feel things are out of control I take back the control by "controling" what goes in my mouth.

I have been on MF for over 6 weeks now and I am still reverting. I had a good day. Shake, Shake, Shake, oatmeal.... Then it happened. I got so stinking mad at the baseball game (my husband is a coach) ...
Read more : How do I get past old habits? | Views : 2298 | Replies : 24


What am I doing wrong? MF is not working! I lost 6lbs on week one. Nothing on week two. I am on week three and have gained 2lbs back. What is going on! I so wanted it to work this time. I have stuck to it to a "T". :x
Read more : ITS NOT WORKING!!! | Views : 1124 | Replies : 21

Project NO Weigh Until Sept. 1st

Here it is, the official weigh in for Aug. 1st.

I am weighing in a 288 this morning.

If you happen to take a peak at the scale in the next month, please come and tell us. :whip: This is all for fun guys.

Good Luck Everyone! :thumbup:
Read more : Project NO Weigh Until Sept. 1st | Views : 2945 | Replies : 68


Ok Im new...and i know i cant WAIT to get one...but what in the heck does it stand for?
ps..When the UPS man gets to my house hes probably gonna run to that brown van and go 100 miles an hour away from my home..i look like the crazed dog at the window waiting for the mailman to least im not foaming at the mouth.... :shock:
Read more : NSV? | Views : 220 | Replies : 4

i cant go !

no really... i cant go numero dos.... this weekend it seems to be recurring issue...took stuff the other day that helped, took something last night that didnt, ill probably take the stuff that seemed to work, but anyway to make it so i dont have to take anything? ive been drinking all my water, more than that actually :( my tummy is hurtings , any advice would ...
Read more : i cant go ! | Views : 307 | Replies : 7

Double NSV.....

The other night at work I was trying to help out the girls by folding napkins for the night, I was standing with my back to the restaurant when I heard 'Excuse me miss" was one of my regular customers I hadn't seen in a while. He asked "Are you the waitress?". I was like "huh?". Then he said, "I just wondered if you were the same waitress we had had before?" I said "Of ...
Read more : Double NSV..... | Views : 353 | Replies : 9

Silly NSV

While dining out at the restaurant the other night, Hubby looks at me and says "You look great, I mean I think you're just about down to your last chin!" I couldn't sock him across the table and it was funny because I was thinking the same thing myself when I was looking in the mirror earlier that day. We cracked up. But seriously, I carry a lot of fat in my neck and it ...
Read more : Silly NSV | Views : 320 | Replies : 7


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