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Why Don't people understand

Why are people so goofy sometimes- :x - I have had so many people tell me how much weight loss i have had since I have been sick :x - Dah :roll: I lost it before i was sick!!!!!!!! why are they just now seeing that!!!!!--- help me understand-- My ...
Read more : Why Don't people understand | Views : 691 | Replies : 14

No longer obese!!!!!

I was posting in the roll call and saw someone put a comment up about their BMI, so I thought I'd check mine after not looking for months.....
I'm at 29.4 which is only overweight.....NOT Obese!!!!!
I'm only a semi-fatty now!!!!! LOL

Read more : No longer obese!!!!! | Views : 494 | Replies : 14

Congrats Brian *BDG* 100Lb Club!!


GONE!! Woooohoo Way to go! That is awesome! Congrats!!
Read more : Congrats Brian *BDG* 100Lb Club!! | Views : 795 | Replies : 19

Forced cheating!

Well, my town is under a "boil order" because the water supply has been contaminated. At this time, they are telling us to only use boiled water until Monday. I don't trust myself to correctly boil the water to make it safe, so I am going to "cheat" to avoid it. I am going to try my best to simply eat well-balanced meals for the next few days.

Hopefully by Monday, I can get back ...
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Major NSV for me!!!

In my new role as Nursing Supervisor for my hospital, I'm required to attend all Code Blue's and Rapid Response Team's (Kind of like a pre-code event. Whenever a nurse thinks a patient is going downhill then they call a RR and we all show up and save the day). This is a smaller hospital, but it is three buildings and six floors to traverse. In the last couple of weeks, I've had many assault ...
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Woah. I weigh 20 pounds more than I thought.

I always thought that my scale was weighing me too low. I accidently broke it last night and bought a new one today. At that point, I realized that I was correct, it was weighing me 20 pounds less than I should have been.

Granted, I've lost the same amount of weight, because I've used the same scale since I started...but I had to adjust some of my info to account for it.

I'm not ...
Read more : Woah. I weigh 20 pounds more than I thought. | Views : 927 | Replies : 20

New Club Please!!!

I finally made the 30# club!! Yeah me!! It took forever to get from 20 to 30 but today I am there. I also went shopping for slacks at Ross and all the 12's I tried on fit! One was even too big in the hips for me. My waist/ hip ratio has never been typical. I decided to go through the too small pants that were boxed up in my basement and found about ...
Read more : New Club Please!!! | Views : 305 | Replies : 7

Saleslady thought I was nuts// I hit #30 Gone!!

So I had a rough day today and was in a bad mood, but I decided to run by Cato to find something non-expensive to wear to the concert this weekend since I have nothing and I refuse to go to the mall for something I am gonna wear a few weeks or so...

There was this saleslady working there and I asked her advice because to be honest my "fashion" hasnt been too Fashionable ...
Read more : Saleslady thought I was nuts// I hit #30 Gone!! | Views : 888 | Replies : 18

hit a MAJOR milestone today

ok, so i got on the scale this morning before my yoga class and i registered in at 249.8 lbs!! woo hoo!! :D yeah, i know that i'm still pretty far from my goal and i didn't hit a special number of pounds lost, but my two major milestones that i've been looking forward to since day one was to get below 250 lbs and then ...
Read more : hit a MAJOR milestone today | Views : 333 | Replies : 13

Congratulations, Drama Queen.....

Congratulations! What an accomplishment to be proud of!
Read more : Congratulations, Drama Queen..... | Views : 404 | Replies : 6


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