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New Club for me again! 110 lb club

Been out of town a bit and not much chance to get on here. Diligent as can be about my Medi-Meals though and it is paying off! As of this morning I am in the 110 lb club. I weighed in at 289.4 with a total loss of over 110.6 lbs.
Read more : New Club for me again! 110 lb club | Views : 624 | Replies : 12

macaroni and cheese-NSV

My boyfriend is an athlete, and expetienced marathon runner, and is doing the LA Triathlon on sunday. I n the 2 years we have been together, he has done 11 marathons/triathlons/bike races, etc. and everytime I make him "marathon macaroni and cheese". It is all homemade, with added veggies and meats. He asked me to make it for him, and I made it today.

In the past, insted of tasting the sauce with my finger ...
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Hi Unca,

Been meaning to do this for a while. Can you put me in the 60# club???

Read more : NEW CLUB | Views : 224 | Replies : 6

Five pounds by day 3

I haven't even started day 3 (slept in) yet when I decided to jump on the scale before having my first shake - I lost 5 pounds since Wednesday! Is this normal or am I going too fast? I'm a little worried because people usually lose that amount during the first week, not the first couple of days. Let me know :)

Also, thank you so much ...
Read more : Five pounds by day 3 | Views : 301 | Replies : 6

Pre-Pregnancy Pants!

Today I fit into a pair of denim capri's that I haven't been able to wear since before I got pregnant with my second child. (who will be a year on the 19th) I'm down seven pounds!
Read more : Pre-Pregnancy Pants! | Views : 382 | Replies : 7

The cost of being overweight

I was just reviewing our Health Ins. and realized if I werent overweight we would be saving a lot of money. We have dumb insurance so we get a certain amount of money upfront to pay for everything then when it is gone we are responsible for $1000 and after that they kick in. Normally for a family that wouldnt be so bad but with me going to the dr every 3 months for checkups, ...
Read more : The cost of being overweight | Views : 497 | Replies : 5

I am SO dumb!!!

Man!! I feel like an idiot. I was feeling down because the scale has not moved in a week and a half, and my measurements were the same today as they were last time I checked. I went to my rock climbing class, and it was 100 degrees today, and the gym is not air conditioned, so I was sweating alot and felt dizzy. Then my partner let me fall about 15 feet, so I ...
Read more : I am SO dumb!!! | Views : 445 | Replies : 5

feeling down and NSV

Ok so the past couple of days haven't really been hard to stick to plan but I just have no desire to eat. I miss my husband so much. I really didn't think it was going to be as hard as it is, but today is his birthday and I am missing him like crazy. It is just so strange, I am normally such an emotional eater, but I don't even have the desire to ...
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Wow! A new club please!

Aloha everyone!

I stepped on the scale this morning and had to rub my eyes and take a second look! I am down to 150#. My starting weight was 170# on August 1! I am sooo excited! :yay:

I've been waiting to say this..."Unca Tim, can I be added to the 20# club please?" Wow! that felt great!

I want to thank all of you for all ...
Read more : Wow! A new club please! | Views : 795 | Replies : 15

Feeding Families

Since those darn children continue to be hungry, I've accepted the fact that I'll have to continue to feed them while I'm on MF ;)
I'm looking for strategies and tips from those of you that have families that you also have to feed on how you've managed it. I envision that some meals we will eat basically the same meat and veggies and I can cook ...
Read more : Feeding Families | Views : 432 | Replies : 4


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