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I purchased a new climbing harness through ebay and when I bought it, It was going to be a reward for losing weight and was supposed to keep me on track because I thought that it would be way too small. Well, IT FITS!! There is lots of room to tighten it, but it fits and feels good. YAY.

Read more : WOO HOO | Views : 489 | Replies : 7

24.9 BMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Felt the need to holler in the subject line-
as of today, I am no longer overweight!
Still a few pounds to shed and I may lower my goal a bit, but holy mackerel-- there is a light at the end of this tunnel!

:yes: :yes: :yes:
Read more : 24.9 BMI!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Views : 574 | Replies : 14


Has anyone heard from Jump4Joy recently?? Seems like she hasn't posted in a few weeks.
Read more : Joy??? | Views : 1150 | Replies : 15

I dont feel so good

I dont know what's going on. I have been on MF for 3 months now and havent had any problems at all. The last week or so I have had heartburn on a regular basis. The kind where it feels like my stomach is empty and burning. Then I noticed that I have also been wicked light headed for a couple weeks. I keep checking my BP because I am thinking it is low (I ...
Read more : I dont feel so good | Views : 899 | Replies : 15

Doin' the New Club Dance

I'm not usually one to brag, and for me, most of the new weight clubs are neat, but not -that- exciting. But for some reason, today just felt extra special. Yes, today I've lost 70.5 pounds!! :D

I feel like doing a happy dance all day long. In fact, for once, I'll even go overboard on emoticons. :twisted: ...
Read more : Doin' the New Club Dance | Views : 857 | Replies : 16


Okay, I'm sure I could find this if I searched for hours on this site,
but in essence of time, could someone please tell me what
NSV stands for?? I get the general idea what it means,
but the closest thing I could come up with is "New Success Victory"?
Read more : NSV??? | Views : 378 | Replies : 4


found a lady's blog claiming she is a clinical psychologist and she is writing a book ..well to quote her

"I'm here to write a book about eating disorders. My contention is that every woman has an eating disorder-- not necessarily anorexia or bulimia per se, but a fixation on food/ weight/shape that is unhealthy, unwanted, and undying. This is a forum in which I may present some of my ideas (from the media/ personal ...
Read more : ugh..ignorance | Views : 607 | Replies : 11


see my last journal post hehehe
Read more : nsv | Views : 299 | Replies : 0

NSV...Some one actually noticed

Seriously someone actually noticed my weight loss!! The kids school principal (who btw has seen me every day since school started) was standing next to me in the doorway to the kindergarten room and she turned and said "are you loosing weight, your face looks thinner" I just said "yes thank you" She said "well all of you does you know but I see it in your face" Knock me over with a feather. She ...
Read more : NSV...Some one actually noticed | Views : 1070 | Replies : 16

Finally 2 NSV's for me!!!

I was walking into work yesterday, and two female security guards started looking me up and down and talking really fast in Spanish. My first thought was, "What the...?" And then one came forward and said "Didn't just just have a baby not too long ago?" and I told her yes- and she said "Look how skinny you got! We were just saying that you look so skinny now!"

And then I walked into my ...
Read more : Finally 2 NSV's for me!!! | Views : 524 | Replies : 12


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