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I just came home from my business trip.... i did not cheat (as far as carbs/sugars) at ALL... I did go over on my oz's for steak and seafood, but i stuck to veggies, no butter, salads w/ no cheese, croutons and lite dressings on the side, and had my 5 MF meals spaced pretty evenly.... i downed so much water i think ...
Read more : MAJORLY BUMMED OUT | Views : 465 | Replies : 9

Tall Boots NSV

I was having a bad day, so I decided to go shopping. It was also a convenient excuse for waiting for traffic to die down. :) I stopped in a shoe store and found a gorgeous pair of knee high suede boots that would look incredible with some of my new clothes.

I've always loved and wanted tall boots that came over the calves, but my calves ...
Read more : Tall Boots NSV | Views : 350 | Replies : 2

Nat Did A Bad, Bad Thing!

Hi Y'all.

I am a shameless rebel! :oops:

Well I am back at work after being away for my company's conference. We had a fantastic showing - over 1000 attendees and we made a lot of loot and increased our profile. BUT Nat was a very bad girl. I went off plan for 3 days...and I am okay with it. I am so scared to weigh myself. ...
Read more : Nat Did A Bad, Bad Thing! | Views : 760 | Replies : 13

Messed Up So Badly - How Come I Don't Feel Guilty

Hi Y'all.

I am a shameless rebel! :oops:

Well I am back at work after being away for my company's conference. We had a fantastic showing - over 1000 attendees and we made a lot of loot and increased our profile. BUT Nat was a very bad girl. I went off plan for 3 days...and I am okay with it. I am so scared to weigh myself. ...
Read more : Messed Up So Badly - How Come I Don't Feel Guilty | Views : 226 | Replies : 0

Yeah! New Club... Finally!!!

Aloha Everyone! Today a great day because..... I finally made it to the 30# club!!! Yeah!!! Those last stubborn pounds took a few weeks to come off.. But they are history :woohoo: !
I am now 140. I haven't been at this weight since 1994!! Onward to the 130's and the 40# club.. I can't wait!

Hi Unca! Can I request to enter the 30#club please! Thank ...
Read more : Yeah! New Club... Finally!!! | Views : 484 | Replies : 14

Getting kicked out of Ketosis

I read alot about people here who go off plan with one meal or day by accident or on purpose. I am guilty myself.

This is my question:

If I'm on plan and I eat something (such as a burrito) 1 night does it take another 3 days to get back into ketosis and lose weight? Or will it just be added calories and carbs so you wont lose for another day or so?

I ...
Read more : Getting kicked out of Ketosis | Views : 556 | Replies : 4

sorry, ive been mia with my cousin hehe

both her and i werent following medifast how we should for a little bit, but our both recommitting ourselves fully again. I havent actually weighed in in a while...last time i checked i was 50 lbs down, right at 170. I have been spending alot of time with robert and with friends so i guess i have just been on the computer a lot less than i used to be. I have been pretty busy, ...
Read more : sorry, ive been mia with my cousin hehe | Views : 412 | Replies : 9


Alright, I'm proud to announce that today was my first 'official' day on my business trip (yesterday was travel, easy to stay on program) and i've battled my temptations ALL DAY.

Lets start with breakfast, while everyone else was eating eggs and bacon, I sipped on my banana creme shake :D even when the waiter kept trying to get me to order! Then lunch rolled around, ...
Read more : First Day of MAJOR TEMPTATION | Views : 451 | Replies : 8


Good morning to all! I have been away from the board. First of all, how are Alohakate and Hulagirl?? I'mm look over the board to see if they have checked in, but if anyone has the quick answer?

Well yesterday was to be my first weigh in day, but I was not home. My 10 year old son got appendicitis on Friday and had to have his appendix out! Bless his heart, he was a ...
Read more : MY FIRST WEIGH IN! | Views : 451 | Replies : 9

NSV for me

I had 2 NSVs yesterday.

First, I was told to get rid of a pair of pants (because they were falling off of me). Turns out they were 44's (the size I thought I was in). I tried on the 42s I had bought on clearance a month or so ago and they fit. Out the door with 44s and 46s.

Second, I was buying a shirt I liked(clearance sale again) in the size I ...
Read more : NSV for me | Views : 428 | Replies : 11


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