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New food for me

I realize I am way late in jumping in on the new food items, but the 3-day expedited shiping from Dec 20 just got here yesterday, so I broke open the box and tested out 2 new things today. they forgot to send a case of RTDs, so I got 6 of the 30, but that got cleared up and they are on the way...

I had left over shakes and some chai, but those ...
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NSV that just brought tears to my eyes...

When I got married 4 years and 7 months ago I wore a 4.75 ring size. Since that time and with an over 100 pound weight gain, it had become so tight we had considered having it cut off to give me some relief. We tried every method suggested to loosen it and remove it-soap, Windex, lotion, creams. It just wouldn't come off my pudgy size 7 finger. By Christmas time after almost a month ...
Read more : NSV that just brought tears to my eyes... | Views : 536 | Replies : 13

Have you ever LICKED your plate clean?

Let me say that generally I have lovely table manners. However, I just had my L&G of a scramble with broccoli with 2 tbsp of salsa. It was so tasty, I licked my plate when I was done to get every last smudge of egg and salsa...I was alone when I did this but near an open window. The neighbors must think I was raised in a cave.
Read more : Have you ever LICKED your plate clean? | Views : 886 | Replies : 15

It is so hard

It is so hard to start back after a food binge :x --I started last week --Hubby and I went to the mountains for our 31 Wedding anniversary--we went out to eat and guess what I caved :x --I was so good for Over a year--and now ---I have made a goal today-- I will not Cheat --also changed ...
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Hospital NSV's

1) Didn't have to wear two gowns to cover up the old derriere. Actually was able to wear one gown and have it go all the way around me and be able to tie it! Last time that happened was over 30 years ago!!

2) Able to get out of bed without assistance and walk a few hours after surgery.

3) Actually got to get two RN's and an LVN interested in Medifast and they ...
Read more : Hospital NSV's | Views : 462 | Replies : 5

calling all RESTARTERS!!!

Here I am, back to restart AGAIN with MF. And I gotta say, it's soooooooo much harder than that first time around. Granted, I'm not willing to give up and live my life overweight and unhealthy. I'm back to reach my goal and live the fit, healthy life I want. But why-o-why does it seem so much more difficult?

I first started MF in March of 2005 and by July had lost over 60 lbs. ...
Read more : calling all RESTARTERS!!! | Views : 2451 | Replies : 46

I woke up starving

Yesterday I woke up starving which was very unusual for me. Typically I have my shake and I am fine. I had my shake and felt like I just drank air nothing and all day nothing but hunger today I am still feeling a little hungry. I am wondering how I know if I pushed myself out of ketosis.

Here is what I ate day one
Two eggs and 11/2 cups ...
Read more : I woke up starving | Views : 415 | Replies : 4

Unca Tim - please change my club :(

I am recommitting as of 1/2/07 and my weight has gone up from the last time I posted any changes. I gained back 20 of the 44 I lost unfortunately so I am not in the 40# club any more...but I'll get back there!!!!

Thanks Unca!!
Read more : Unca Tim - please change my club :( | Views : 542 | Replies : 9

Why am I still hungry?

Hi - I just need a second opinion here (big surprise, I'm always needing those!)

I am as hungry or hungrier today, day 5, than I was on day 1.

I've had all my meals every day.

I have not had anything off-plan - except I licked some ravioli sauce off my finger when feeding the baby yesterday. Not a huge glob, like a teensy smear. You can't tell me that counts.

I have had ...
Read more : Why am I still hungry? | Views : 477 | Replies : 5

Calling all my M/F buddies

Happy New Year to my best friends in the world...

My husband and I went out for dinner last night. And I actually gave myself permission to eat what I wanted. And I did - the good news is I actually ate in smaller portions - which for me is a major miracle.

I had so wanted to remain compliant throughout the holidays and I almost made it. And I gotta tell you I woke ...
Read more : Calling all my M/F buddies | Views : 432 | Replies : 7


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