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Has anyone ever considerd a chat room?

Hello losers, one and all! :)

My question goes out to our gracious hosts and I welcome the thoughts and opinions of all!

Has consideration ever been given to a live chat, in addition to this great forum? Maybe Im just obsessive compulsive by nature but I find myself reading the boards...ALOT throughout the day and evening ...oooh twenty or thirty times, minimum..and Im curious..would anyone else ...
Read more : Has anyone ever considerd a chat room? | Views : 1809 | Replies : 21

Alittle offset occurred

Sorry I couldn't back here any sooner.

I had an endoscopy May 5th and the sedatives they gave me had me whoosey since they took 5 unexpected biopsies with it that day. I am very sensitive to sedatives, anesthesics and certain meds. They also took "tons" of blood vials to update my bloodwork profile, to see if everything is ok. I have my colonoscopy rescheduled for May 19th, next week. Oh boy!!!

It has been ...
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How many calories in a serving of crow?? LONG

Well..I blew it. I went 41 days without cheating..without ANY variation from the medifast program. I managed, for 41 days, to cook meals for my husband and child without so much as nibbling on any part of them.

I did a complete fast for 39 of those days, ate 4oz of boneless, skinless chicken and 1.5c of steamed asparagus on the two remaning days.

Whoopeee..good for me. I lost 28lbs in 41 days...amazing results.

100oz ...
Read more : How many calories in a serving of crow?? LONG | Views : 2952 | Replies : 9

Slippery Slope from h*ll (long)

Yep. Time to be honest. AND I expect a heart-felt lecture from Mike after this. :wave:

Before I started Medifast I was convinced that I would never consume anything but shakes. I considered it "cheating". Even the bars or the 5-1 plan would be a form of screwing up. No pickles or bouillion, either. Please understand that I know that others do perfectly well on these versions ...
Read more : Slippery Slope from h*ll (long) | Views : 584 | Replies : 10

Confession and question.....

OK, so I have to confess that I haven't been doing the MF full out. I've been going out to eat a couple of times a week and having a few drinks on the weekends. :oops:

I've lost my momentum and don't quite have the motivation that I did starting off. I've been on this diet for 7 weeks and have lost 12 pounds, which is great ...
Read more : Confession and question..... | Views : 918 | Replies : 5

Weigh in Today

Good Morning everyone,

Just wanted to give myself a shout. Finally I am moving in the right direction. Not looking back. It has taken me a month to get it together. I am down to 216! Move me up to the 30 club Unca!

Susan F
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Womanly question

Hey all,

That time of the month is coming and I'm concerned. Normally my cramps are so bad that I take 3 advil at a time every four hours. That kind of medicating takes a stomach full of food (usually) to keep me from being nauseous. Also, I've heard that no caffeine, less carbs and lots of fluids help with cramps. Has anyone found that their periods are better on MF - worse? same?

PMS ...
Read more : Womanly question | Views : 576 | Replies : 5

Motivation Needed

Hi Gang!

I've lost all motivations for Medifast. Haven't come off the conductor seat yet but I went through a month of total boredom with it. And now, I'm in danger any moment now of jumping off the wagon. I really WANT THIN. But each times I go on a diet, I hit an emotional Plateau eventually. I get all blue because, I really want to get to goal but resent having to be ...
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Add me to the 20lb. club

Hi everyone,
Happy Day!! 20 lbs. gone. It has been 6 weeks now (which went by in a flash). Thanks again for all your support. I don't think I would have been as successful without this special group!!
Read more : Add me to the 20lb. club | Views : 668 | Replies : 4

If I had known it was this easy I would have don

I would have done this years ago and not gotten to the plus size I was at 4 weeks ago but I am only 4 weeks into this and and have now lost 20lbs. I understand now it's all about changing your body's chemistry and this is by far the simplest thing I've ever done and I was wondering if others have tried it evidentally it has a very high rate of success for weight ...
Read more : If I had known it was this easy I would have don | Views : 616 | Replies : 1


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