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Will the real Mike please stand up?

I have a pretty good friend (guy) that is about my stature, he has always had a weight problem, as I did. He is about 30# overweight now. We have spoken many times about Medifast, he is completely supportive, and still is. When I started Medifast, and began losing weight to the point I shared it, he decided to do something about his weight. He (because we eat together and hold each other accountable) lost ...
Read more : Will the real Mike please stand up? | Views : 562 | Replies : 8

Fat Pants

I was just thinking of this tonight.....

I have a pair of what I like to call "fat pants" that are folded up on my dresser.

These are the pants that I can now pull on and off without unzipping and unbuttoning them. They used to be so tight I had to unbutton them while I was sitting down, and after a nice eating binge they were unbearable to even keep on.

I hate those ...
Read more : Fat Pants | Views : 690 | Replies : 6


hello all

its day 2 for me now...and so far it ok...i know this question may be a bit premature for me now...but can anyone explain to will i know that i am in ketosis...i know it takes a few days and all....hmmm...but the hunger pangs are kinda killin me.... :oops:

thanx in advance
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I have no pictures of myself!!!

Weirdest thing that I just realized.

I wanted to post a picture of myself in the Studio so everyone could put a face with me but I have no pictures of myself that are not at least 6 years old --- AT ALL! At least that I can find anywhere (and I searched and searched last night)

The last picture that I have is with me after I gave birth to my son and then ...
Read more : I have no pictures of myself!!! | Views : 609 | Replies : 1

One of US is struggling - GUIDO says go get her!!

Jeanette is in need of a kick in the Medifast-rear. Her note to me is quoted below:

I was just looking at my stats, and I am feeling all the same feeling of helplessness I felt before I started Medifast. I am starting to get a "XXX" attitude and THAT's NOT GOOD. Things are stressful... I am just feeling LOST.

I just gave her a nicely worded (you know me) Guido kicking, which I know ...
Read more : One of US is struggling - GUIDO says go get her!! | Views : 812 | Replies : 11

Another question for the masses...

Hello again everyone..Marseilles the outspoken coming to you live, from things I wanna know TV.....

All nonsense aside, what have peoples experiences been with regards to blood pressure while on Medifantastic??

I was SO pleasantly surprised upon starting this program that my blood pressure, within ONE week had gone from 145/95 to a very steady, cant get me excited even if you try your best 95/65.

Just one more positive benefit of medifast, was curious ...
Read more : Another question for the masses... | Views : 397 | Replies : 1

10 pounds in 9 days!

I'm so excited I had to post. I stepped on the scale this morning and it was down exactly 10 pounds from my starting weight 9 days ago. Pretty unbelievable. I guess this puts me in the 10 pound club!

Looking forward to being in the 20 pound club soon!
Read more : 10 pounds in 9 days! | Views : 449 | Replies : 5


Hi all because of eating out mothers day I delayed my weigh in until today wednesday and very happy to report a 2 pound loss :lol:

I am back on track and will be weighing in again on monday.

Happy wednesday one and all



Read more : DELAYED SUNDAY MORNING WEIGH IN:o) | Views : 347 | Replies : 3

Tiny Miracle

Yesterday was interesting:

1. I work 40 miles from home and it took two hours to get home because of traffic on the beltway.
2. I had a follow up phone interview for a new job that didn't go very well. The middleman guy wanted me to "pump up" my resume. Sorry dude, won't lie for your job.
3. While I was on the phone with this gentleman, one of my cats squatted in the ...
Read more : Tiny Miracle | Views : 420 | Replies : 6

Nellie, oh Nellie, how-art-thou?

(Grabbed from another post)

I too cannot wait to come off the shaking city....No joke! But that's my only way to Thinville

Hey, Bio-Conductor of the Thin-ville train.. How goes it? Since our “Get Nellie back on the train” thread a few days ago, I have been wondering how you are actually doing? Things going as planned? Can you tell your passengers that you are no longer disparaged?

I know “shaking” can be a long ...
Read more : Nellie, oh Nellie, how-art-thou? | Views : 1083 | Replies : 18


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