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where to purchase medifast online?

Hi All!

Thanks so much for the advice about my ulcer - I did speak to my DR. and he assured me that my case is extremely mild and I should have no problems as long as I keep up with my meds....

I was wondering - where is the best place to order medifast online?

:) Karla
Read more : where to purchase medifast online? | Views : 476 | Replies : 1

On The Lighter Side......

Read this, thought you would all enjoy it.....
Anyone have dogs? uh-huh...

Life 101 from a Dog's view....

If a dog was the teacher you would learn stuff like:

When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.

Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.

Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.

When it's in your best interest, practice obedience.

Let others ...
Read more : On The Lighter Side...... | Views : 517 | Replies : 3

Going on vacation....

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to let you know I'll be leaving for vacation tomorrow ....camping in Vermont/New Hampshire for a week with my family.

My MF is packed and ready to go, and I am DETERMINED to have a great shakin' week 8) motto is, "Have shaker jar, will travel!!!"

I'll miss reading your posts while I'm away!

Have a GREAT week everyone, and I'll let ...
Read more : Going on vacation.... | Views : 469 | Replies : 0

having trouble

Hi everyone -long time no see- i haven't posted in almost 2 weeks because i am having such a hard time. I can post so easy when i lose weight but when i don't i get very discouraged. I am going throgh some relationship issues now and at first i was so upset i couldn't eat (hence my 6 lb loss week before last) but last week and this week i have been so stressed ...
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What do you think?

Ok, it’s time to get down to business.

I see many of my friends here struggling - at one stage or another of falling off the program and climbing back on (myself included).

We're like little weary grade schooler's sent off to our first day of school with bright new clothes, shiny new shoes, a new book bag, new pencils and erasers - and now we're stumbling blindly off the bus trying to make it ...
Read more : What do you think? | Views : 364 | Replies : 5

I've lost it

and I don't mean the weight.

I jumped off the train and am watching it rumble away. I ate so much last night I almost had a panic attack.

I believe my first mistake was buying OTC appetite suppressants as a way to overcome my waning drive to be perfect on the plan. These pills must have a form of sugar in them because for the three days I took them, my stomach growled constantly. ...
Read more : I've lost it | Views : 1031 | Replies : 9

Pam, Tamil, Landylue, Carrie, Marseille, Jeanette ..Mike?


It won't be a long post. Basically, I had given up totally. To my surprise, I only gained back 6 lbs over a month or so. I was in the Gym 6 days a weeks but ate whatever( not badly actually, I lost my taste for junkfood).
I also got a little therapy ...I needed this....I simply had way to many "Fattitudes" to be succesful at dieting. I still have some of them...but I'm ...
Read more : Pam, Tamil, Landylue, Carrie, Marseille, Jeanette ..Mike? | Views : 813 | Replies : 13


Thougt we could all start fresh. Ocassionally I read one that gives me a chuckle, as I did this one. Hope you find it funny also (and maybe true?)

You may not know that many non-living things have a gender:

Ziploc Bags -- They are Male, because they hold everything in, but you can see right through them.

Copiers -- They are Female, because once turned off, it takes a while to warm them up ...
Read more : L-E-V-I-T-Y | Views : 290 | Replies : 3

restarting medifast - but I have an ulcer - any advice?

Hi all!

I was successful last year with the medifast plan - I lost 50 pounds. But, unfortunately I have regressed to old eating habits and have gained it all back. I would love to start the program again but I am worried that the diet will aggravate my ulcer. I was diagnosed earlier this year with one and am currently taking Nexium. The pain is controlled as long as the acid does not build ...
Read more : restarting medifast - but I have an ulcer - any advice? | Views : 1120 | Replies : 5

A Dreaded Plateau

Hi Everyone,

I've been chugging along here losing pretty steadily (if not always as quickly as I would have liked). That is, until 10 days ago. Suddenly, everything has come to a grinding halt. I thought I would provide some info about what I've been doing so those of you who have been through this can give me some advice. If I just need to wait it out, I can deal with that, but if ...
Read more : A Dreaded Plateau | Views : 509 | Replies : 3


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