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An NSV that will make you laugh.....

I spent this past weekend at the nursing home with my Dad. On Saturday, I was walking through the dining room and a little old lady and her daughter were in there, as I passed by, the old lady said loudly (obviously she was a bit hard of hearing) "oh look at that pretty blonde girl". I just smiled and didn't say anything, thinking the woman was OBVIOUSLY in the late stages of dementia. Then, ...
Read more : An NSV that will make you laugh..... | Views : 377 | Replies : 10

NSV-Email based

I just got an email fron Neiman Marcus this morning that had as its subject line: Sophisticated spring fashions in special sizes. I clicked on it and then thought, there is no way I am paying Neiman's prices for plus sized, oh excuse me, "special" sized spring clothes when I expect to reach goal this summer! I deleted the thing and enjoyed it!
Read more : NSV-Email based | Views : 865 | Replies : 15

NSV...kind of...

Yesterday was one of the busiest weekend days I've had in a long time.
From 10 am till about 4:30 I was at scrapbooking class type thing with a friend of mine. I am soooo not the creative type person but had an absolute blast and can see this becoming an addiction. :)

Right afterwards I had to rush home to change for a concert. Saw Daughtry! ...
Read more : NSV...kind of... | Views : 589 | Replies : 14

Unstuck - finally

Just need to post it to keep it real. Had been Stuck for almost 3 weeks, so stayed off the scale and focused on staying OP. Was getting frustrated - :wallwall: - reading about everyone's great successes (keeping on trying is a success) helped, and it's finally paying off. Know I don't contribute a whole bunch, but it's nice to know there is a great group here ...
Read more : Unstuck - finally | Views : 395 | Replies : 10

When is an NSV an SV?

Had it happen to me the other day. As a member of a Symphonic Choir here in the Bay Area, I started MF towards the end of the concert "season" last March. One evening while taking a rehearsal break, I struck up a conversation with the accompaniest and he told me how he was trying to lose weight. I sympathized and told him I was on MF and had enjoyed some success, at the time ...
Read more : When is an NSV an SV? | Views : 426 | Replies : 10

Back Clubbing 10#

Well back in the clubbing. Couldnt wait till tomarrow to weigh myself. 10 # club please Unc. Down 14# in 12 days love it :whoohoo:
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Add me to the 10 lbs club, Unca!!

Woo hoo! 10 lbs and then some -- after only two weeks of tracking my weight!
Read more : Add me to the 10 lbs club, Unca!! | Views : 927 | Replies : 21

That question everyone hates to hear as they get closer...

You know that question that everyone hates to hear as they get closer to goal... You know, "When are you going to stop losing?... You don't need to lose any more."

It is funny, Last night I asked Joelie when she thought I would hear those words that she has heard many times. She said soon. You look great and many people would say that. Today I had someone say that to me. I did ...
Read more : That question everyone hates to hear as they get closer... | Views : 500 | Replies : 14

I'm baa-aaack!

Hey everyone! I have been on holiday hiatus for the last 4 months or so. I wasn't too naughty, and I medifasted a couple days a week throughout, so I only gained back 5 lbs of the 40 I had lost before. So I'm restarting. Might as well join the crowd! I'm at 168 now and I need to get to 140, or there abouts. I will know better when I get there. I just ...
Read more : I'm baa-aaack! | Views : 318 | Replies : 11

Will I ever stop thinking of myself as fat??

Will I ever stop thinking of myself as fat?

So far I have lost over 95 pounds and with about 30 left to goal, I am still overweight but not morbidly obese anymore. When I see myself in a reflective surface, I know I “look” pretty normal now, especially for most Americans. I am fitting in regular sized clothing (because of the darn clothing manufacturers, I range from a size 10 to a baggy 14.) ...
Read more : Will I ever stop thinking of myself as fat?? | Views : 434 | Replies : 7


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