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Random Thoughts

As some of you know, this journey to thinville hasn't been a completely smooth or easy one for me. While I have been entirely compliant, my body seems to lose weight in fits and spurts - a S-L-O-W five pounds and then a lightning fast five. When I'm in the fast phase, all is right with the world. But during the slow phase which seems to last FOREVER I sometimes begin to doubt that this ...
Read more : Random Thoughts | Views : 422 | Replies : 8


I finally (okay, not finally, it's only been 30 days) made it to the 30lbs-loss mark :D! My body was being stubborn all week, took four days to drop the 1.5lbs that was keeping me from the 30lb mark.
Anyways, I'm happy and working on patience and not being a scale hawk so much. Four more pounds to my first goal--come on ...
Read more : 30! | Views : 417 | Replies : 11

Great News Today

My internist has been concerned the last few years as my blood pressure and my fasting blood glucose levels slowly began to rise...after losing my first 20 pounds I was able to go off of my blood pressure meds...and today I ran the blood test he has wanted me to run for 6 months now. The test that shows how your body has handled glucose for the prior 90 days. When I saw him 2 ...
Read more : Great News Today | Views : 424 | Replies : 3

4 weeks of success

Hello everyone! I have finished four weeks of the modified Medifast program and have been losing weight better than on any other diet plan. the amazing thing is that I feel great, have energy, and don't feel hungry all the time as in the past. I have learned to drink much more water, pay attention to the time between meals, add in the boullion or a pickle etc.
Here's a neat benefit - last Christmas ...
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I just wanted to chime in here and become a part of this group. I've been mostly sitting in the corner quietly enjoying the company of you all, but that's how I have spent much of my life, as an observer.

Started MF 7/24/04. This is 18 days for me and down 13 lbs. The scale has been obstinately sitting for several days just 3 pounds from the 200 mark, my next mini-goal.

I am ...
Read more : wallflower | Views : 423 | Replies : 10

Let's discuss a HUGE vacation get-together!

Several of us were talking in another thread about organizing a get-together for all of us. Maybe Disney World, Universal, a Six-Flags somewhere, whatever! Maybe even a cruise!

So let's everyone "weigh" in on this idea!

Would you be interested in a get-together vacation?
When do you think would be a good time for it?
Where do you think we should go?

My vote is:
YES, let's do it! ...
Read more : Let's discuss a HUGE vacation get-together! | Views : 490 | Replies : 6

Something fun

I spent an hour fidding at this website last night, after I figured out that I could change the weight and "see" my future figure! LOL

It was motivational to me! At: my virtual model dot com (can I post a link that way? Hope so!), you can choose from many hairstyle and colors, facial features, height and weight, and it will pop out a virtual version of you! In a swimsuit! ...
Read more : Something fun | Views : 629 | Replies : 6

Fat man loses 321 pounds! - breaking news

Did you guys see this?

He weighed 1072 pounds 8 weeks ago, has lost 321 and hopes to lose another 450! Wow, he could use some support! I wonder if there's any way of reaching him?

- Gerald
Read more : Fat man loses 321 pounds! - breaking news | Views : 587 | Replies : 1

Mind games … old habits ...

Hey guys, I just wanted to reflect on the mental part of Medifast, after finishing my first month. I haven't posted much about my day-to-day experiences--I'm just more accustomed to giving support and listening to others than I am with sharing and/or asking for support.

Well, I'm not going to lie and say that this experience has been easy--it's been far from it. After the "honey moon" period of the first couple of weeks passed ...
Read more : Mind games … old habits ... | Views : 520 | Replies : 3

HELP Nancy, Tim, Mike, anybody!~

Ok, I know I shouldn't have, but the temptation was too great. It was just staring at me from across the kitchen and I couldn't resist. Chaulk it up to morning weakness but it CALLED to me! Resistance was futile...I stepped on the scale. I know, I know, its only starting day 6 for me, but I couldn't resist. I am weak. I stepped on my enemy, Mr. Scale and he bit back. He told ...
Read more : HELP Nancy, Tim, Mike, anybody!~ | Views : 1231 | Replies : 25


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