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Dear Ann Landers...

Dear Ann Landers,

I have a problem; I am overweight and tired of it.

Signed, 4Lorn

Dear 4Lorn,

Diet, lose weight, and be happier.

Love, Ann.

Dear Ann Landers,

It’s 4Lorn again,

This weight problem, I am real analytical about everything, and it is putting my loss at a slower pace, than it should, I am not losing – Help, what can I do?

Dear 4L,

Diet, lose weight, and be happier.

Love, Ann.

Dear ...
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Intense exercisers?? (especially full fasters)

Hey guys, I have a question for those of you who exercise. I am going to be getting back into exercise and want to know how hard you all exercise and what adjustments you make to your meal plans for the days when you do exercise intensely.

I'm having serious withdrawals from doing intense cardio--intense workouts have been my eating alternate/stress reliever for a few years now, and helps to keep my Asthma in check ...
Read more : Intense exercisers?? (especially full fasters) | Views : 394 | Replies : 1

Revisiting the vacation discussion

Didn't seem to be a lot of interest before, so I'm posting a poll this time. Anyone interested in doing a get-together "vacation" next year? If so, what kind of vacation would interest you? When do you think we should do it? And WHERE???

If you answer the poll, please also post your desires as to what/when/where.

- Gerald
Read more : Revisiting the vacation discussion | Views : 435 | Replies : 6

Where to begin....

I sit here reading posts I have everyday for months. The difference is, gone is the fire. I used to sit here and post alongside everyone else that had the 'medifast fire' burning deep within them. Such resolve. Such determination. Such desire to succeed. Such camaraderie.

Of this I am certain: Do your VERY best not to waiver from the program even once. It is MUCH harder than you can possibly imagine, trying to ...
Read more : Where to begin.... | Views : 547 | Replies : 6

Weathering the storm

This has been an eventful past couple of weeks for me. This is going to be a really long post – but hopefully it’ll be entertaining reading, if nothing else. I see a lot of us are having do-overs and we're frankly struggling. I'm in that boat too.

Things have come to a head at work – and I am currently in the middle of dealing with an extreme personnel problem. I’m struggling with it ...
Read more : Weathering the storm | Views : 527 | Replies : 13

8 weeks completed... 41.5 lbs lost!

In 8 weeks, I've gone from 210 lbs to 168.5 pounds.

I am so thrilled. This would have impossible were it not for Medifast. I've tried my best not to cheat and thank goodness my diligence has paid off.

I hope everyone else is doing well and that we can all hold on until we get to our goal weights.
Read more : 8 weeks completed... 41.5 lbs lost! | Views : 741 | Replies : 11

Half-Ton Man in Need of Encouragment

Hi, guys! Yeah, I'm still alive and kicking, and, no, there's been no change in weight other than in ounces, but I've never felt better in my life! My husband and I go to the gym 5-days a week, and I take Step classes along with Palates (?) classes on four of those days. However, this isn't about me today--I have a request: ran a story on 11 Aug 04 regarding a man who ...
Read more : Half-Ton Man in Need of Encouragment | Views : 472 | Replies : 3


Hey All my Shakin Friends....old and New....
I am here once again to get out all my feelings I have been disguising for some time now...
I fell off the train to thinville...have attempted to get back up several times, only to do good for a week or so..then slip up..then do good...then do worse...its a repeat pattern for me, that has lead me right back to MISERY AGAIN...where I started.
When I ...
Read more : STARTING OVER FOR TAMI | Views : 579 | Replies : 14


Here I am sitting with a bowl of egg salad in front of me. eaten bowl of egg salad.
Day 3 for about the 20th time and I didnt stick to it.
I went on the fast for one whole week about a week and a half ago and I lost 7 lbs and felt amazing. Now I am back up 4lbs and havent been able to get past day three since. Seven or ...
Read more : Struggling | Views : 508 | Replies : 5

End of week 1

Today is day 8 for me on a full fast and I have a few things I'd like to say.

First and most importantly, I want to thank Mike (Explorthis) from the very bottom of my heart. Without him I would not be here celebrating my first week's victory. He took me from being scared and unsure of whether I could do this to strong, confident and determined. I have to say, I have never ...
Read more : End of week 1 | Views : 685 | Replies : 8


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