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Back at square one

Hey Guys and Girls...
I had to post and come clean, once again. Its the only way I can pick myself back up. I re-started Medifast a few weeks ago..I had 11 days...of the full fast, I was FEELING GREAT!! going strong...then BAM..out of the blue...I LOST IT!! I read Mikes posts...I read the forum and read my old posts...and try and understand WHY this is so difficult to STICK to now for me...I read ...
Read more : Back at square one | Views : 2198 | Replies : 46

The Honesty of Children

Having lost almost half my goal weight, I've been venturing out to the beach to get some exercise. The other day, a mother and her just-turned-4 year old son were there. He was a little ball of energy going from one end to another, in and out, you name it. Being just about as cute as they come, I couldn't help but smile at him, and he started swimming by me making conversation. After a ...
Read more : The Honesty of Children | Views : 472 | Replies : 12


:shock: I realized that today for the first time that i have no will power. It amazes me that i am so strong on the streets as a cop but MY biggest fear is food. I realize that i am so weak when it comes to food. I am trying really hard to complete this program but i swear i start off so motivated and i ...
Read more : SINCERE THOUGHTS FOR TODAY | Views : 390 | Replies : 5

Testy Trip Identified

Now who doesn't want to go to sunny FL? Who would rather stay home in the safety of four Medifast walls rather than go visiting for the weekend? Is my arm being twisted? Am I a slave to a plan without obvious merit? Do I submit too easily to what I don't really want, and why don't I want it?

Well, it's because these people (would-be-inlaws) have disappointed me time and time again, AND YET, ...
Read more : Testy Trip Identified | Views : 1060 | Replies : 16

The Outer Limits of Denial

Ok, just for giggles - I thought I'd share with you my most outrageous/silly/dumb rationalization for why it was ok for me to be fat.

I actually thought once "Yah, but if I'm stranded on a deserted island or some survivor situation, I'm good to go for months with these reserves!"

sheesh :hammerhead:

What's yours?

Read more : The Outer Limits of Denial | Views : 610 | Replies : 13

Gee, THANKS MediFast!

Ok, 30 pounds in 3 weeks, great! But I wasn't feeling any real success until just 1 minute ago when I got up to go to the bathroom, took about 3 steps into the hallway and my shorts fell down to my ankles! LOL
Whoops! :oops:

Read more : Gee, THANKS MediFast! | Views : 467 | Replies : 11


20 pounds


AND only a pound from the next mini goal!

went to a party last nite that had me a little worried. carry in. gooooood food. i had a bar on the way. by the time we ate it was nearly time for my "meal". just had a little pulled pork and pickles. sort of stayed off to the side and watched the rain ...
Read more : 20!! | Views : 326 | Replies : 6

What's your excuse for not starting MF?

As I sit here on a Friday night thinking about BMF (before MediFast for the lurkers and newbies) I am trying to remember why it is that it took me so long to start. So I've decided to post my top 10 reasons for NOT starting MF, in hopes that it will motivate someone to stop "thinking about it" and get with the program.

Let me start by prequalifying my comments with this. I'm just ...
Read more : What's your excuse for not starting MF? | Views : 395 | Replies : 4

For all you exercise gurus....


My butt is gone! :shock:

Apparently my rear was 100% lard because now that I've lost a lot of weight I am flat back there. My back becomes my legs, get it? Nada!

My new job affords me much more walking (I have to park 2 blocks away, I'm on the 3rd floor and my office is down a loooong hallway). I love the unavoidable exercise. ...
Read more : For all you exercise gurus.... | Views : 1681 | Replies : 15

Ketosis.... and NO food?

Ok... am just cruious... like, about fasting and stuff.
I read all the stuff about glucose and carbs and fats and stuff.
but say you weren't eating AT ALL.
I mean.
would that still put your body into ketosis?
and how fast?
and how much weight would you lose?
Read more : Ketosis.... and NO food? | Views : 544 | Replies : 2


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