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my xmas gift to me

I said in the beginning of this that I would not set goal dates and just take what I lose day by day. However, after reading posts of goals, achievements, and daily trials, I find a goal would help keep me in line and give me something bigger (or smaller) to look forward to.

So here goes... :coach: 40 BY CHRISTMAS!!!

This would leave me with another ...
Read more : my xmas gift to me | Views : 1223 | Replies : 18

Pity Party

I'm here to say that I sometimes feel "Why do I have to go through all this sacrifice? Why do others get to enjoy life so readily and easily and not live with feelings of guilt and bad images of themselves". And I could go on and on and on about my inner rantings to myself.

Watching the Labor Day Telethon last night, particularly the segment on little Maddy who died a few months ago, ...
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Shineface, alison, Ravenkat

Ravenkat, miss hearing from you and want to know if you're still "here", etc? Went past Ellicot City on the way to Baltimore on Friday and thought of you.

Alison, last thing I remember, and I was just lurking then, was that you had a difficult trip ahead. How are you doing? How's your dad? You intrigued me first with the idea of doing a whole 8 weeks... maybe because of you, I'm doing it! ...
Read more : Shineface, alison, Ravenkat | Views : 355 | Replies : 3

Back in the saddle again...(warning, food mentioned)

Hi y'all. It's been quite a while since I posted. I looked up and another month was gone...

No gains & no losses either. I decided it was about time to get back with the program and jump back in the saddle again. Since the RTD vanilla was on sale, ordered one case of vanilla and one case of choc. Was doing so much better (especially at work and in our daily travels in homeschooling) ...
Read more : Back in the saddle again...(warning, food mentioned) | Views : 462 | Replies : 1

Day 1 - Barry

I am with you now starting this morning around 6:30. I weighed in at 230lbs. Sitting here at work on my 3rd shake and drinking more water. You are doing so awesome on your challenge i just hope mine goes as well. Talk to you tomorrow.
Read more : Day 1 - Barry | Views : 469 | Replies : 2

My thoughts, trials and tribulations 4 weeks into full fast

I've completed my first 4 weeks on the full fast and here are my thoughts:

This has been much easier than I anticipated it being. I did a modified fast on the OptiFast program a couple of years ago and altough I did lose weight, I found that my one meal a day kept me constantly thinking about food. What I would eat that night - meal planning. Buying food. Weighing food. It made me ...
Read more : My thoughts, trials and tribulations 4 weeks into full fast | Views : 346 | Replies : 3


My husband noted today that there is a bunch of money in the bank. Much more than we usually have at this point in the month. We're self-employed so he asked if I paid us twice on the 1st.

Hehe - its because we're not eating out, we're not going out drinking (at least not the both of us - and diet coke is often free, or really inexpensive, at the bar ...
Read more : Moolah! | Views : 276 | Replies : 2

sick of me

I am sick of myself .I have been on and off .I can;t get back on .I am disgusted with myself it has been so hard to get back on the straight road again. :x :x :x but I am trying and this sat the 4 of sept. is the ...
Read more : sick of me | Views : 515 | Replies : 1

What is going on??

I bought 4 boxes of the Dutch chocolate and French vanilla ready to drink shakes. (2 of each) About 2 or 3 weeks ago. I am having issues with The dutch chocolate. It has these nasty chunks in it that make me gag when I drink it. I have been trying to figure out what exactly these chunks are and have decided its definitely not a part of the shake...I think it is part of ...
Read more : What is going on?? | Views : 383 | Replies : 10

Could I do better?


Lost 7 lbs in August! Yes, wish the number was bigger, however added to the 14 lbs lost in July and 20 lost in June, the total is now 41 lbs in 3 months which is ALMOST an average of 1 pound every other day. (Mike, I use FUZZY math cause my brain only deals in fuzzy logic.) :scratchhead:

The big question is: Can ...
Read more : Could I do better? | Views : 2187 | Replies : 46


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