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Morning Gang--

As mentioned in my post yesterday - I decided an accountability thread wasn't a bad idea afterall - I know I need it!!!

SO here's the deal yesterday was my first re-start "clean" day back on my modified plan - the MF modified - not the Pam-maintain program.

TOUGH DAY --- I've gotten into some bad habits these last few months and although I had been maintaining - I had a friend here ...
Read more : JUST ME | Views : 2006 | Replies : 53

Bye Bye goal # 2!

This morning I stepped on the scale (yes, I do every single morning, LOL--I know, I know...) and was flabbergasted to see I was two pounds lighter! That puts me at my second goal of 265 pounds! Very very awesome. This is why I don't get worked up in a stalled week...because I know that as long as I keep doing what I'm doing, the scale WILL move and move a LOT...I just have to ...
Read more : Bye Bye goal # 2! | Views : 542 | Replies : 9

Lois' 100 Day Challenge...PART 2

DAY 26 :yes:

Hi friends!

Well, the second lap of my journey begins today, and I was off and walkin' bright and early this morning 8)

Are you curious about how much weight I lost in the past 25 days? EIGHT POUNDS! :D I am THRILLED. At this rate, I'll ...
Read more : Lois' 100 Day Challenge...PART 2 | Views : 2688 | Replies : 61

Least we forget why we're doing this, the alternative...

Firefighters Rescue Heavyweight Corpse

BERLIN (Reuters) - German undertakers struggling to carry a 661-pound corpse from a third floor Hamburg apartment called in the fire brigade for help -- but they couldn't handle the job either and ordered an industrial crane.

"It took six men and several hours to complete the task," said Gerhard Bramfeld, spokesman for the Hamburg fire services. "Its not your everyday 'put out the fire' case."

May God bless us in ...
Read more : Least we forget why we're doing this, the alternative... | Views : 452 | Replies : 6

hi everone,

I just wanted to let everone know I am on tract and have 4 days down so I will let you know what I done wed. weigh day.
Read more : hi everone, | Views : 315 | Replies : 5

My Countdown Month

Hi, All,

I always see things a couple of different ways, and this is no exception!! By that, I mean it's a bit pushy of me to decide that one more month of MF shakes is all I'm doing before transition, 'ya know, which translates to whether or not I lose the next 10 pounds or not? On the other hand, I justify that by saying to myself that the remaining 10 pounds is really ...
Read more : My Countdown Month | Views : 4925 | Replies : 142

This is not a drill......

Hi Guys,

Well, after a couple dry runs here in the Keys, Hurricane Ivan is a serious threat to my part of Florida. So I'll be packing the cats, parrot, family photos, and guitars in the Blazer and hauling out of here tomorrow. I'll stop and pick my parents up and we'll caravan out.

The office is closing at noon, I'll be going home and putting up my plywood (hopefully I'm not rearranging the deck ...
Read more : This is not a drill...... | Views : 1000 | Replies : 25

What a journey ... (long :))

Hi everyone--old and new :)! I have been missing in action for the past couple of weeks and just wanted to catch up with everyone!

The past three weeks have been really difficult for me. When I'm going through difficult emotional times, I kind of withdraw into myself, so this is why I haven't posted much here lately. I think I now have an understanding, in part ...
Read more : What a journey ... (long :)) | Views : 860 | Replies : 10

What is your reward ?

Hi gang!

I was curious and wanted to know, what are you guys going to reward yourself with when you finally reach your fantastic weight loss goal?

Let me see..I'll start...I want Clothes, lots of them, the kind I always admire in Shopping Windows but ccan't buy now 'cause I'm a Chubette. And I'll also take 2 Martinis with the shopping spree. Razzzzzberry Marinis please.
I'll also take George Clooney, Sting, Bono form U2, Brad ...
Read more : What is your reward ? | Views : 633 | Replies : 12

Ain't No Hill for a Stepper

My dad had so very many expressions when he was alive that still play in my head from time to time. One was used in an attempt to encourage me or another member of my family to do something 'above and beyond'. The expression was, "Ain't no hill for a stepper!"

Today, after work, my husband and I skipped the gym and went out to a nature preserve near where we work. There is a ...
Read more : Ain't No Hill for a Stepper | Views : 1516 | Replies : 4


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