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Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)

First Day :)

I worked some long hours today. I got 3 shakes in while working and I will do my 5th one sometime before I go to sleep tonight. I havnt really had time to think about being hungry. Got lots of housework im fixing to do tonight so Ill work here at the house till my body gives out---LOL---I have fasted before (religious reasons) and went 12 hours with no food, just liquids so its really ...
Read more : First Day :) | Views : 251 | Replies : 1

Announcing Spidey's Old-Tyme General Store and Fat X-Change

Announcing a limited (but very Grande) opening of Spidey's Old-Tyme General Store and Fat X-Change.

At Spidey's, the only currency accepted is fat pounds. The only item we offer for exchange is good-ole American dollars, as in CASH-OLA!

Here are the rules:

    1. You must be a regular participant on the MMT discussion board.

    2. You must be a "Preferred Member" with more than 100 posts. This is required because you should be giving ...
Read more : Announcing Spidey's Old-Tyme General Store and Fat X-Change | Views : 1485 | Replies : 24

Spidey had an oops!


I've talked to LW and Mikey about this already, but this forum is here to support us in our victories AND our failures, and to be honest with all of you, I must post my failures too. I am NOT Super Spidey!

I got a call on Monday, actually a phone message (as I was out to the dentist) that one of my brothers has terminal cancer. Unfortunately I could not return his call ...
Read more : Spidey had an oops! | Views : 464 | Replies : 9

When I weighed 190 lbs

I remember when I use to come on here back in Feb and weighed 190lbs at the beginning. I hated going off of it but due to low blood sugar after 8 weeks of being on the program I had to stop at my current weight which is 157 lbs. Its been approx 5 months since then and tommorrow I will be back at MEDIFASTING again anywhere from 2-4 weeks. However long it takes to ...
Read more : When I weighed 190 lbs | Views : 378 | Replies : 3

Way off track this week

Oh, my what a crazy week. I just totally let my emotions control me and basically ate food to "zone out" and not have to feel so much. Nothing I am proud of, but it is what I allowed to happen. The definitive part of that being "what I allowed to happen". You know, life is always going to happen...I am facing one of the most difficult challenges of my life right now and I ...
Read more : Way off track this week | Views : 308 | Replies : 7

Wheres Jeanette?

Just wondering why I havnt seen Jeanette post on here lately??? AND!!! Tommorrow Im going back on Medifast to lose 17 more lbs which will put me at 140. Last time I lost the weight pretty quick and hopefully it will melt off the same way this time. I have maintained my current weight for approx. 5 months now. Im am really looking forward to doing this again because I felt great while I was ...
Read more : Wheres Jeanette? | Views : 495 | Replies : 4


Hi everyone,
Well I did it. I finished the first week on the program. :D I was going to post after the first day, then I thought I'll wait til I finish day 3. Then it was let's wait til the first week. So here it is. day 8 and I LOST 10#. WOOHOO.
I've got to tell you, I was really scared. I didn't know ...
Read more : FINISHED WEEK ONE | Views : 468 | Replies : 10

Weirdness in a shaker glass

LW asked me about my curious drop to 4 pounds of lost butter fat this past week and it got me to thinking. I pulled out my old daily diaries from when I was on OptiFast a couple of years ago and I found EXACTLY the same pattern! I lost like gangbusters for a few weeks, then had a 5 pound week, a 4 pound week, a 3 pound week, a no loss week, then ...
Read more : Weirdness in a shaker glass | Views : 373 | Replies : 1

this little piggy went...GROSS!!!

NECN (New England Cable News) has a "new and exciting on the web" section every morning. Today they aired a story with a recipe for deep-fried Oreo's! Yes, I said DEEP-FRIED OREO'S!!!

I think I'll be sick!

I'll not post the recipe, least someone be tempted, but one of the newscasters commented that she had eaten one at a party. She described it as a puffy pastry with mushy chocolate goo in the middle. She ...
Read more : this little piggy went...GROSS!!! | Views : 1694 | Replies : 35

Anyone else experience this .... ?

Hey guys!

I have a question for those of you who have been on MF (especially full fast) for two months or more. Did you all experience a resurgence of psychological hunger after day 60 or so? I've heard that some people have this happen--it's like the brain perks up to food again.

I don't know how to explain it, but all of a sudden, food has become stimuli for me again. And I'm not ...
Read more : Anyone else experience this .... ? | Views : 476 | Replies : 7


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