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Drumroll PLEASE!

I made it through 'that time'. It was trying on my patience, but I kept my eye on the prize and did not waver. Was rewarded this morning, with a reading of 204.8, total loss 61.7. (Unca please bump me up a club, AT LAST!)

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Day 2 for me

Well, I have finished day 2. This morning when I got up I had a trace of Ketosis. Still trying to figure out things about MF. I get up at 5:30 and at 6:30 yesterday I had an oatmeal, which I thought was very good. I didn't have to add any sweetener! Then at 9:30 I had my first shake and let me tell you, I thought it tasted like Chocolate frosting! 12:30 I had ...
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The Drink of FIRE!

This is a big thank you to Mike for his Drink of Fire idea...

Yesterday and today (Days 4 and 5) have been tough for me. I'm guessing that now all my glycogen stores are totally gone and my bod is breaking down the dreaded pudge. And it REALLY WANTS bad food.

Yesterday I had an extra bar and that was very effective, though I know that's a no-no. I was sick, and I don't ...
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Looks like a good day to reach a mini-goal!


I want to preface this post by saying flatly that I WANTED CHEETOS last night for no good reason! LOL I don't buy them, but my mother stopped by and said she wanted to bring them over for the kids, so naturally, they begged and wheedled and drove me insane until after dinner when I told them they could have a handful.
I poked my hand ...
Read more : Looks like a good day to reach a mini-goal! | Views : 384 | Replies : 7

Hey, it's Mikey's Birthday!

Morning all you fine MMT'ers! Today is a very, very special day! It seems our beloved Mike aka Guido (Explorthis for you newbies) is another year older today, and twice as handsome as he was last year at this time! Everyone please join me in congratulating one of our most supportive friends on the MMT boards. I won't give away his age - that's up to him - but let's just say he's still making ...
Read more : Hey, it's Mikey's Birthday! | Views : 1079 | Replies : 15

Confession is good for the soul ( I hope )

:cry: I know everyone has gone thru this and I am not unique, but it's
almost as if my body is totally rebelling against getting healthy.
It's as if my psyche is did Atkins all those years and
now you are doing Medifast and finally getting where you should be,
healthwise, but it's not going to happen. The carb devil is
stronger than ...
Read more : Confession is good for the soul ( I hope ) | Views : 350 | Replies : 2

Thank God for this Forum

Okay- Here goes! I just have to say that I've always tried to be a strong person, do what needs to be done, take care of everyone and everything, (except sometimes myself.) Sometimes I find that when I actually may need others to be there for me, then "hey, what's up?" Don't get me wrong, my family is very supportive, but they do not live close to me. And my friends at work are wonderful, ...
Read more : Thank God for this Forum | Views : 517 | Replies : 12

From bad to worse .... (long)

Thanks for the support everyone from my other thread--I really, really appreciate it :hug:!

I apologize for not posting again for several days, but let me tell you--I have been going through it. Also, I have been preparing things for my move on Saturday (I'm moving to a new apartment) and things at work have been consuming as well.

But what's happened on the mental/emotional front is ...
Read more : From bad to worse .... (long) | Views : 1697 | Replies : 33

The bloom is off the rose....

The honeymoon is over.... uh, the gild is off the lilly. ;)

The 190's no longer float my boat. :uhuh: I have been super-pleased with 191-194 the last month and a half (2 ?) but recently I haven't felt as skinny or as satisfied with my accomplishment as I did.

What's the cure? DUH!!!! ...
Read more : The bloom is off the rose.... | Views : 1039 | Replies : 16

One for the Ladies

As most of us know, estrogen is stored in the female fat cell. When we lose weight, that estrogen is released into our systems -- hence the warnings about birth control vigilence during weight loss! But the other side effect that I've rarely heard about is the moodiness that also comes with this excess estrogen release. It's like constant, low-grade (and somedays, not so low-grade!) PMS. Has anyone else had to deal with this? I ...
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