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Finally moved!

Oh wow I have some catching up to do!
Move went well - I was off/on MF for a week, but I managed to lose a pound. Woo hoo. *Finally under 200*!!!

Our DSL order got messed up - but finally I'm back in business literally and fuguratively.

So I'm back on MF as of today and I'm back on the forums too. Missed you guys! :D ...
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"The Biggest Loser" on tv... can we talk....

Alright... I think we needed to have a discussion about this "lovely" show. So anyone who sees this thread and has an opinion, please jump in. I'll try not to rant too much here, but it's hard...
First of all, they KICK OFF the person not losing as much???? (talk about kicking them when they're down!) Then, we must have a cardiologist getting kickbacks from the ratings or something... 'cause why would they be pushing ...
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Back again...

Hi everybody!
Most of you probably don't even know who I am, since it's been soooo long. I think last time I logged in was ummm about July or so. I got down to 154 (YAY!) from 189, was doin great, then I blew it, went off and did not eat properly. Thought I was on top of the world and didn't pay attention. Didn't dare step on the scale and slowly but surely my ...
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Holy money drain Batman!

Ok, after my little tizzy last Friday worrying about the "expense" of Medifast, and reading people here saying it must be cheaper than groceries plus going-out-food plus take-out, I thought I'd find out!

So I tallied up August and September - every PENNY I spent on groceries, take-out, and, um, the "package store." Wow. Keeping in mind these costs are just FOR ME...

August: $509.75
September: $794.53 (LOTS and lots of take-out!!)

Jumping Jehoshaphat!! ...
Read more : Holy money drain Batman! | Views : 582 | Replies : 6

This is not a test--I'm back :)!

I'm finally back--sorry I dropped off the face of the earth guys! The past week and a half, really, this whole month, has been tumultuous to say the least. I decided to start a new post here since the other one was getting kind of long :).

Well, things are getting much better now. As I mentioned before, I moved weekend before last, and it was GRUELING. ...
Read more : This is not a test--I'm back :)! | Views : 956 | Replies : 15

One Month Anniversary!... Bye Bye 18#

Alrightee then... I can hardly believe it's been a month on MF. Can I just say I LOVE LOVE LOVE this program, and Love all of you for your wonderful support, humor and help!

I wasn't sure I'd do my 1 month weigh in, 'cause Aunt Flo comes in the next few days, but I couldn't resist seeing my 1 month totals.

Boy am I glad I did. I'm now down 18,... count them, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,1... ...
Read more : One Month Anniversary!... Bye Bye 18# | Views : 571 | Replies : 9

Spidey's General Store Update 10/23

Hi Guys and Gals! Time for another Spidey's update! Just like Santa, I've been watching to see who's been naughty and who's been nice, and here are the current Spidey's General Store standings:

In order of % of goal weight lost

hawaiiwhatnot (Camille - I need your actual goal - I made one up for you!)
Kornpop (Kelsey)
Kornpop (Sandy) ...
Read more : Spidey's General Store Update 10/23 | Views : 322 | Replies : 2

another 2.5 lbs gone!

I have lost another 2.5 lbs this week.Yes that makes for a total of 25.5 lbs as of friday. I have been on the program for 7 weeks. :D
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Yesterday was a bad day...

Hello everyone,

Friday I fell off the program. I was very stressed at work, frustrating mistakes were made by others that I had to fix, and I started to think about how good certain foods would be that night, how good it would be to have a drink.

Since I started this on the 16th, I have had these thoughts pop up, but been able to look at them from an objective standpoint, and say ...
Read more : Yesterday was a bad day... | Views : 432 | Replies : 12

Happy Day

Just another small (or not so small) victory and a tribute both to my success and the effectiveness of this program.

Went out shopping today. I completely cleaned out my closet of all of my fat clothes and I've got to tell you, it is looking bare! I am going out of town Sun on business and needed some presentable sweats I can wear to the gym in the hotel. While at the store, I ...
Read more : Happy Day | Views : 809 | Replies : 4


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