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To Finishing 2004 In Style -- The Last 48 Days!!

As I believe we benefit from tracking progress and effort over time, collectively, how 'bout we collectively maintain a record of our feelings, successes, and challenges as we move towards 2005?

A lot can happen in 48 days (starting today). Let's have something to show for our expenditures and our wild ambitions/dreams of present and future happiness. Perhaps this will give us something to track and follow if Lois goes away, and I hope she ...
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Rigorously Honest

Good Saturday to all...I have been very OFF of my program and just NEED to say that out loud...I have been sick and then took a tumble and hurt my back and knee...unfortunately my "poor, pitiful part of me" used that as an excuse to eat whatever I wanted. So, NOW that I have said that out loud...I am REAFFIRMING to myself and to the group, that I am NOT willing to go back to ...
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My Hubbylicious

Happy friday, fellow Medifasters! I hope things are going well for all of you today!

I wanted to take some time and do something I've been MEANING to do for awhile. My husband has been on the program with me from the start, but is not a member here, so any of his successes aren't known, other than in passing mention in my posts, so I wanted to document his journey here in hopes others ...
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Urgent - is your credit card info available online?

I know this really isn't the place for this (Unca can remove if he wants) but I wanted to warn you, my MediFast family and friends about this and didn't have any other way short of emailing everyone on the board!

There was a news story last night about how to check to see if your credit card info has been "hacked" due to online purchases. Apparently eBay was hacked (but they are issuing a ...
Read more : Urgent - is your credit card info available online? | Views : 465 | Replies : 2

First day down

good morning all,
I awoke this morning and had a smile on my face. I completed day one. This is such a trumiph for me. I have been binge eating for three years, the last 6 months totaly out of control like a drug addict.

I have been heavy all of my life, with periods of thinness here and there. I lost weight in late teens and was actually a perfect weight for my size. ...
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The nurse at my doctors office, shed 120 pds on medifast. She told me about it few weeks ago. She also told me that medifast might put out a cookie? Is this true? A cookie? I know they have bars? but cookies would be soooo kewl~
Purple~ :twisted:
Read more : Cookies? | Views : 480 | Replies : 4

8 pounds gone this week

I am down 8 pounds this week, which makes for a total of 35 pounds. So add me to the 30 pound club please :D
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AT GOAL!!!!!

Well guys, I woke up today, weighed myself and decided I am really happy with where I am so I am officially declaring that my goal is 154 and that I am there!

Truth be told, I started what will be a slow transition about a week ago by adding a serving of veggies to my daily grub. I was already doing the modified plan so this is the first step for me. I will ...
Read more : AT GOAL!!!!! | Views : 618 | Replies : 12

Hey Dutch... thinkin' bout ya!

Just a post to say I'm thinkin' about ya and hope all is going well. Remember, whether you're on program or off program, having a tough time of it or an easy time, we're all still here! We've all had a lifetime of the stress that comes with weight issues, and we understand it all! So just wanted to give ya a "shout out"! Miss your humor and straight shooting approach to things! Hope all ...
Read more : Hey Dutch... thinkin' bout ya! | Views : 318 | Replies : 2

You want another reason to stay on Medifast?

Wednesday I had my annual cholesterol check-up. Although I'm 33, I get them yearly because I have a family history of high cholesterol and heart problems.

In 2002, it was 238. Last year, it was a whopping 303 - mostly due to being on Atkins for a month beforehand - I hope! That scared the bejoopers out of me, so no more Atkins!

So from 303... to 202 THIS YEAR!

WOW! A drop of 101 ...
Read more : You want another reason to stay on Medifast? | Views : 527 | Replies : 6


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