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Scared of never getting it back...

Hi all---

Well I know I'm in good company at least when I sign in and see my old starting-mates Tami & Susan discussing re-starts.

I too am sick of slipping and binging and feeling sad and lonely and depressed and unwell ----I am in such a bad place right now. I don't feel like I can keep doing this - I could of lost my whole body by now if I hadn't taken that ...
Read more : Scared of never getting it back... | Views : 462 | Replies : 5

Still treading water ... :)

Hey gang! Feel like I have been gone forever!

I wanted to check in here to let you all know that I'm still around, and kicking! Welcome to all you newbies and semi-newbies :)!

I'm still working two jobs (70 hours a week) and to say that it has been exhausting is an understatement--I'm running on sheer will (until I get my second wind in the evening ...
Read more : Still treading water ... :) | Views : 575 | Replies : 6

More humor....

I am passing this on to you because it definitely worked for me and we all could use more calm in our lives.

By following the simple advice I heard on a Dr. Phil show, I have finally found inner peace. Dr. Phil proclaimed "The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you've started."

I looked around my house to see all the things I started and hadn't finished, so, before ...
Read more : More humor.... | Views : 341 | Replies : 1


I thought Id take the opportunity to psyche everyone up for a great day today, if for o other reason than that it's tuesday. I don't know about yall but its raining wehre i am for the second day in a row--weatehr that makes me want to stay inside and it'll take some special motivation for me and everyone in similar situations today to just say NO to the snacking monster and chug our ...
Read more : GREAT TUESDAY | Views : 323 | Replies : 4

How many more starts left in me....

Hello all
I am here to confess, vent and just type my heart bear with me. I have been off and on medifast now for months...I great for a few weeks..then loose it..I get to day 3..then day 10...and I pick and nibble at things not on my "allowed" list...that sets me off to a binge..which I do for days...then I go back to my usual of being good for a while...well ...
Read more : How many more starts left in me.... | Views : 1488 | Replies : 17

How much water do YOU need to drink?

I am just wondering... I know that the recommendation is 64 oz. I have noticed that if my water consumption falls under 100 oz each day, my weight loss slows down to a near standstill. I seem to lose the most when I get approx. 130 oz. Has anyone else experienced this? This is a relatively small adjustment to make for an increase in lost poundage, so I'm not complaining, just curious. ...
Read more : How much water do YOU need to drink? | Views : 602 | Replies : 9 it worth it?

Hi Medifast users!
I'm a 28 year old woman, 5'5'' and about 180 pounds. I'd like to lose about 50 pounds and for once in my life I'd like to be slim. The smallest I've ever been is 160. Back then I was working out everyday and on a strict diet.

I find the Medifast diet appealing but I'm afraid about weight gain after I've reached my goal. I can't NOT eat forever, and I'm ...
Read more : it worth it? | Views : 548 | Replies : 2

The Turkey is Back from the Trot

Hello to everyone! Gosh, I hadn't realised I'd been away as long as I have. So sorry for losing touch with everyone. I'm glad to see most all of the 'oldies' still around, though. I'm also delighted to see that Gerald is going great guns--you go, guy! What an inspiration!

Presently, I seem to be cruising through a rather extended bout with depression, but pills are definitely not the answer for me--that's how I gained ...
Read more : The Turkey is Back from the Trot | Views : 378 | Replies : 3

Holiday Eating Tips in the OLD DAYS!!

Holiday Eating Tips

1. Avoid carrot sticks. Anyone who puts carrots on a holiday buffet
table knows nothing of the Christmas spirit. In fact, if you see
carrots, leave immediately. Go next door, where they're serving rum

2. Drink as much eggnog as you can. And quickly. Like fine single-malt
scotch, it's rare. In fact, it's even rarer than single-malt scotch. You
can't find it any other time of year but now. So drink ...
Read more : Holiday Eating Tips in the OLD DAYS!! | Views : 344 | Replies : 3

My miraculous Medifast month...

As there are quite a few with an active interest in my results for the month I decided to start a string and keep everyone updated on my progress. I started again yesterday after receiving my order on Wednesday and I am very pleased as slipping back into the routine of medifast is going well, so far; although the water intake is a tad bit daunting as we all know! ...
Read more : My miraculous Medifast month... | Views : 2168 | Replies : 35


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