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Add me to The 50 pound club please!!

Good Morning Everyone!!
I have weighed in this morning and am officially 50 pounds lighter!!!!!!!!
I will truly enjoy meeting the New Year this evening with family and friends
knowing that my usual New Years resolution to lose weight and get healthier is WELL on it's way to becoming true !!!
Happy New Year to all my MF buddies and their families!
Lets Make 2005 the year we ALL make our goals a reality!!!
Shrink ...
Read more : Add me to The 50 pound club please!! | Views : 505 | Replies : 4

New Years Eve Goal- not going to make it

Hey guys
Hope you all had a wonderful holiday..hard to believe that tommorrow is new years eve!! well...My New years eve goal wont be met THIS year...Ive fallen too many times...but have always managed to pick myself back up somehow, without throwing in the towel all together!! IM holding steady at 155 pounds....seems to be the number that wont budge cuz of all my ups and downs....I have not been pigging out during the holidays..but ...
Read more : New Years Eve Goal- not going to make it | Views : 560 | Replies : 5

Xmas to New Year's - Torture Week

So there I was, Christmas Eve dinner and since the morning I planned out my day to not "fall off the wagon". I had my Medifast, drank all my water and set aside the amount of calories, carbs and zero transfat food portion and intake at the family gathering at the table.

I don't know about you, but seeing all that food on the table for the first time in my life envision it as ...
Read more : Xmas to New Year's - Torture Week | Views : 373 | Replies : 0

I am back, but from where??

Hi gang
I am back and back full force on medifast. I am restarting today. I was going to wait till Jan 1st, but thought, why not now!? Why should I wait, every day and every shake is a step in the right direction.
So my shakes are on the counter and I am ready.
I had some health problems so I strayed a bit and gained alil more actually.
but, I'M BACK! ...
Read more : I am back, but from where?? | Views : 385 | Replies : 4

Happy New Year

Well, it has surely been a good, challenging year in 2004. The best news about it is my resolve to be healthier. I have been "cripping" around for 3 weeks now after pinching my sciatic nerve in yoga class!! I know, I know it DOES seem rather ironic!! I also had to go back on my blood pressure meds, but as my internist may very well be a genetic thing and that is just ...
Read more : Happy New Year | Views : 625 | Replies : 6

Merry Christmas!!!!!

Hello, all of my dear medifast friends!

May my post today find you all well and may the true blessings of Christmas be yours in abundance. Time spent with family and friends, health, happiness, peace and joy are just a few of my wishes for each and everyone of you.

I look forward to getting to know each of you better in the New Year as we journey our way towards a healthier, happier life, ...
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Toys aren't just for the kiddies...

I watched and waited for the price to come down, and finally got one of those magic bullet blender thingies for Christmas. I have to have my shakes blended and this thing makes the shake right in the cup then you wash off the blade. (I HATE WASHING MY REGULAR BLENDER - IT TAKES FOREVER). Enjoying a beautiful chocolate shake as we speak!!! It's pretty small so I'm packing it in my lunch box and ...
Read more : Toys aren't just for the kiddies... | Views : 443 | Replies : 7

Where in the World is that UPS Truck?

"Back on Track; Add Me to the Restart Group; Starting Over"--move over guys, I need to squeeze in line with you. My new clothes are getting too snug, and I gave away all my big ones. It was either spend money on new duds or Medifast--it was an easy decision.

I've ordered a boatload of Medifast and will be getting back on the full-fast horse the day it arrives. I'm actually looking forward to it. ...
Read more : Where in the World is that UPS Truck? | Views : 529 | Replies : 5

Back on track

Ok, I am feeling it (to not give up) and for a minute thought I would go into depression since I hit a bump in the road. But I got back on track and have lost 4 lbs so far out of the 6 lbs that I naughtingly gained giving in to the temptation of family left over holiday meals and delights.

So once these extra 2 lbs are lost, I can feel even more ...
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Add me to the restart group...

It's funny that I thought I had this binge-eating thoroughly under control as of last Sunday morning, but then I fell off Medifast Sunday night... and stayed down until this morning.

What was the damage? From 192 last Sunday to 201.5 this morning! (Actually I got up to 203 at one point.) This was not "snacking", "nibbling", or other cute words. It was a full-out, self-destructive stupid thing to do. And why did I give ...
Read more : Add me to the restart group... | Views : 2010 | Replies : 29


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