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success in a shaker cup! WOW 8 weeks and wow!

This is Churchie and I am so excited. I only weigh once per month, otherwise I get almost as obsessed with a scale as I do food. I lost 40 pounds in 8 weeks! Plus before I started Medifast I had lost 10 pounds so altogether 50!

I cannot believe the results of Medifast. My doctor also gave me awesome vitamins today and was as excited I think as I was! She cannot wait to ...
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I'm late for my first weigh in, but anyway, I made it to the end of my first week, and I've lost 11 pounds!!!! (5kgs here)!!
We went for a walk on sunday. I live in Cairns, Far North Queensland , Australia, and there are lots of clean fresh rivers and rainforest here. Anyway, leaving home at 6.30am, we went for a walk up Bahanna Gorge- hill after hill aafter hill, 3 hours of hills!! ...
Read more : Yippee! | Views : 439 | Replies : 5

Back and embarrassed!

Dear Friends:

It is with sadness and embarrassment that I post this message today :oops: :oops: . I started the Medifast program on Jan 25th 2004 weighing in at an obscene 254lbs. During the the 1st 35 days I lost 36lbs and then got ill and was forced to go off the plan for a while. Needless to say ...
Read more : Back and embarrassed! | Views : 659 | Replies : 13


Read more : NANCY YOU ARE THE BEST | Views : 764 | Replies : 1

I'm here

First time reporting in! I received my scale and weighed my self on Thursday! Yahoo...big step for me. of today I lost 2.4 pounds since Thursday. So...I'm happy! I'm excited to see what a week will bring. February 3rd will be one month back to shakin! So I feel like I'm back in the groove!

Read more : I'm here | Views : 277 | Replies : 3

ticker factory

I have to thank whoever found the tickerfactory. It is a great way to show everyone our little progressions. Instead of putting in my start and current wieght I just put what I wanted to lose in target weight.
Its very easy to load and they have many different designs.
Thanks again!
Read more : ticker factory | Views : 529 | Replies : 6


I spent most of the day yesterday in the emergency room. Here in NY the weather with the windchill factor was at -12 degrees. Although, I was wearing very good boots, I slipped and fell and it cause one heck of a painful and swollen ankle. I am telling you, it looks as though my ankles had the mumps. But, the worst thing is that it hurts so much that I can barely walk around ...
Read more : SOOO DISAPPOINTED!!!! | Views : 647 | Replies : 7

End of Day 4

I was dragging at day 2 but things are so much better. I just wanted to thank everyone for their support and encouragement. I have lost 5 pounds already! Amazing.

Anyway thanks again.

Lissa :wavie:
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Ready, Set, Re-Go!

Howdy to old friends and new. It was exactly 13 weeks ago today that I literally dropped out of my program and started investing heavily in the grocery market. I had lost 34 pounds in 102 days, from 160 down to 126, and I was slaving away at the gym to get that one miracle last pound off so I could declare myself victorious. WELL!! Very little, in my opinion, could be called victorious in ...
Read more : Ready, Set, Re-Go! | Views : 1564 | Replies : 16

Giggles, roars and snorts - Diet Humor, sort of

Things to Ponder in 2005

1. Does a clean house indicate that there is a broken computer in it?

2. Why is it that no matter what color of bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white?

3. Is there ever a day that mattresses are not on sale?

4. Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that something new to eat will have materialized?

5. On electric toasters, why do ...
Read more : Giggles, roars and snorts - Diet Humor, sort of | Views : 331 | Replies : 1


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