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One more week down!

After a week back on I am down 7 pounds. This board is a huge source of encouragement! Thanks! :-P
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Hi everyone. I started Medifast the first time last March. I lost 37 pounds and then lost my way. I restarted January 7th--I had gained 10 pounds back. Since January 7th, I've lost 17.5 pounds. I'm happy about that, but getting frustrated at how slowly it is coming off this time. It's really hard to stay motivated when you only see a 1 pound loss, or even a 2 pound gain (like last week). But ...
Read more : Frustration! | Views : 503 | Replies : 8

I'm having a rough one

Ok, since whining is allowed here - today is a bit of a struggle for me!! First, I am not feeling 100%. My body is fighting the crud going around and I have a headache and feel achy. But I am fighting it one step at a time. I think due to this I am having a hard time keeping my mind off food! Funny thing is that I want some MF hot chocolate! I ...
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Day 1

Yes, ladies and gents, I actually had a Day 1 - finally!!

I just had my 5th meal and I'm working on my third, yes THIRD liter of water. 101.40 oz of water and as many trips to the loo. I have a timer I set in 10 minute increments and I have to drink 12 gulps each time. Silly I know, but I came up with the 12 gulps years ago when I was ...
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Yesterday was a Rough Day!!

Yesterday was a horrible day, I some how managed to let myself get off of the diet. I would not call it a binge but it was pretty close, I ate things that were not even close to the diet. I lied awake all night beating myself up, :x thinking how could I do this. I mean I have been on the diet since Feb. 14 and ...
Read more : Yesterday was a Rough Day!! | Views : 416 | Replies : 7

Ride 'em cowboys! My delivery is HERE!


I came home tonight and found a FedEx door tag stuck to my front door. In 10 minutes, I am going to go pick up my new box of Medifast!

Tomorrow I'm back on the plan! Can't WAIT to start dropping the excess poundage asap!

:shoot: Take that Fat!

:fence: En guard, blubber!

Read more : Ride 'em cowboys! My delivery is HERE! | Views : 442 | Replies : 6

Here we go....

Hi everybody.

I'm having a tough time with this, but I am trying again. I lost my mind for a week, and it cost me 4 pounds. I started up again yesterday and am committed to making it without slipping up this time.

Losing weight is such an emotional issue for me. I miss that form of comfort....a lot, and this diet is really tough for me because if you cheat even a little you've ...
Read more : Here we go.... | Views : 671 | Replies : 14

user name

My user name is dlr2424 and I'm not sure how to use this site. When I enter my username it states "that name is already taken" so I leave it blank and it shows as
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I made it through a tough test today!

I know we all have favorite foods that just seem to YELL " Go ahead eat me, I won't make you gain weight honest) THEY LIE :lol:
I am of Italian descent and I of course LOVE pasta in any shape, form
and the more cheese the better!
Tonight my kids visiting from Ohio requested my home made manicotti for dinner, they went and bought all the ...
Read more : I made it through a tough test today! | Views : 467 | Replies : 7

Self Assessment

Well, since I made the mistake (;)) of pegging my goal weight to a specific date, now that the date has arrived, I gotta hold myself accountable and see where I am. So here goes.

It's Feb. 18, and I've been on MF for a total of two months and change, which includes one restart after a big holiday-time mistake! In two months, I've lost over 17 pounds. The funny thing is, it took me ...
Read more : Self Assessment | Views : 426 | Replies : 13


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