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Grumble Grumble......

......that would be the sound of my stomach. Well, and me complaining I suppose. ;) I'm getting annoyed that my hunger is still hanging around a bit and I just can't figure out why! :x I've had a few days that there was no hunger and some that have it. What gives? I'm following MF to the letter, water ...
Read more : Grumble Grumble...... | Views : 944 | Replies : 15

After three weeks

Okay, this is great. I did not post last week's loss (Friday) but it was 4 more pounds, and I had an appointment today (Thursday) and lost 2 more. So I have lost 18 pounds on my three weeks!!!

I am trying not to peek and weight myself every day...what a hard thing to do. But I know the feeling of not seeing the numbers budge. I agree with my fellow forum-ers, its cumulative and ...
Read more : After three weeks | Views : 639 | Replies : 4

I gained TWO pounds!!!

I have not been cheating. I even stopped eating bleu cheese dressing. I drank all my water yesterday. I am quite upset. Staying the same is one thing...gaining is another... :x
Read more : I gained TWO pounds!!! | Views : 475 | Replies : 7

For those interested...

Just thought I would share a really beneficial site that I have come across, makes deciding lean/green meals and veggie options a breeze.

Im sure it would be an awesome tool for those in transition or maintenance as well. I have yet to find a food that didnt have the nutritional data available.



Not sure if this is an allowable form of posting a website but if by chance it is edited my ...
Read more : For those interested... | Views : 461 | Replies : 1

First day NOT hungry!!!

WOOO HOOOOOO!!! This is my 7th day in a row on the program and the FIRST day I am not hungry! I have been wondering when the hunger would go away...and taaa-daaaaa!!! Usually about 1 or 2 hours after a shake or other supplement I start getting hungry and counting the minutes until my next meal or eating pickles, celery or jello...Today I haven't even had any extras and I have been having to remind ...
Read more : First day NOT hungry!!! | Views : 395 | Replies : 5

Plastic Surgery

I watch a lot of plastic surgery shows on TV and notice that big weight losers often have tummy tucks. Especially people who lost weight rapidly or were obese for a long period of time prior to weight loss. I have only been obese for 3 years but if I have significant tummy "hangage" after I lose (God and MF willing!) a hundred pounds, I really would consider a tummy tuck! Have any of the ...
Read more : Plastic Surgery | Views : 1293 | Replies : 15

What Did You Do Today, Thanks to Medifast??

I was sitting here eating my nightly bowl of yummy oatmeal, and thinking about my day, and I realized that I did SO many things today that I would have NEVER done on a day off work, before my journey on MF and losing
87 pounds (so far) :D
I was up at 7:00, when before MF , I would have always slept in till at ...
Read more : What Did You Do Today, Thanks to Medifast?? | Views : 522 | Replies : 4

Starting to exercise

Hi all! I have a question. This will be the beginning of my fourth week. I want to start to exercise but don't want to sabbotage any weight loss. I have lost 16 pounds so far, but only one this past week. :cry: I'm hoping I'm in that dreaded third week stall. Is there any trick to eating when you start exercising? I know ...
Read more : Starting to exercise | Views : 505 | Replies : 7

Having another rough one

Man, just don't know why this happens. Today has been a really rough day. I was so hungry!!!! I did weaken yet again and had another spoon of PB. Why is the PB such a bad thing for me? Why can I resist EVERYTHING else in the world but not PB???? I really don't feel like I can throw it out either as my children love PB sandwiches for lunch. I need to figure out ...
Read more : Having another rough one | Views : 1640 | Replies : 30

46 days and success

hi guys. im 23, 5'9 and starting weight as of 2/14 was 240. i weighed in today which is 46 days into it and have lost 35 pounds. so now at 205 and goal weight is 155 by June. i was 150 a year and a half ago and have been up and down 2 times now. this is the last time. im good at maintaining but had a couple of personal relationship problems and ...
Read more : 46 days and success | Views : 570 | Replies : 10


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