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21 day challenge

Okay's the deal. I'm tired of playing around with my Medifast program. I counted up my products this morning and I have enough to last 28 days. So I am doing a personal 21-day challenge. I am going to stay MF compliant for 3 weeks. At the end of the three weeks, if I am in onderland then I will order additional products. (That will give me a week to order and receive the ...
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My MINI goal

Sorry........I wanted to make one more mention here........about my goal. Several of you have noticed that I am 9.8lbs from goal. My ULTIMATE goal is actually 19.8lbs away.........but I've given myself a MINI-goal of 145 BEFORE surgery. I am so afraid that I am going to give up on all that I have achieved by not sticking to my program before surgery. I NEED for my own personal satisfaction to be as close to my ...
Read more : My MINI goal | Views : 1356 | Replies : 15

another 3 lbs gone

That make me down a total of 97.5 pounds.
But people i have to confess something. I cheated this weekend. Big time.
I want go into details but ... for some reason............I don't feel bad. I feel GREAT. I needed to do that. Because in my mind if i cheated i would gain weight and not have the courage to dust myself off or forgive myself for making a mistake. This journey for me is ...
Read more : another 3 lbs gone | Views : 302 | Replies : 6

Back from camping......

Well, I am back from camping and was very happy to sleep in my own bed last night. :snooze: Although the bed in our camper is not too bad, it certainly isn't my bed at home.

First let me start off by saying, :coach: I AM AN IDIOT!!!!!!!! I worked so hard to make sure I got everything ...
Read more : Back from camping...... | Views : 360 | Replies : 9

Laugh Those Pounds Away! has an article today reporting that laughing for 10-15 minutes burns off 50 calories.

Nancy, we need more diet humor!

(I'd link the article, but I'm afraid of Mr. Snippy. He can be a bit, well, snippy.... :mrgreen: )

<snip>snip...snip - Mr. Snippy</snip>
Read more : Laugh Those Pounds Away! | Views : 364 | Replies : 1

restaurant eating from a newbie

My boyfriend works as the general manager of a very nice restaurant here in San Francisco. Part of his job is to go to other restaurants and eat!!! His restaurant even pays for this! This is why I've gained 30lbs since we started going out a year and half ago... :shock:

So, I have changed my ways... I've been on MF since Tuesday and I'm doing very ...
Read more : restaurant eating from a newbie | Views : 495 | Replies : 5


Hey Everybody,
This is just a little reminder that this coming Monday marks our first offical MEASUREMENT MONDAY forum in the ROLL CALL section :goteam:

I will begin the session very late Sunday night since I will have work Monday morning and life is CRAAAAAAZY at work right now with my preparation to be our for a few weeks. I'll get it set up so everyone ...
Read more : MEASUREMENT MONDAY REMINDER | Views : 471 | Replies : 4

Slow loser needs support!

Anyone else out there a slow loser like I am? I have to's a bit depressing to *once again* be losing so much slower than many others. This has happened to me with other weight loss plans I've tried in the past 10 years. Yes, I understand about metabolism slowing down (I'm 41) and that all people are different. I even understand that some who have lots more to lose (I want to lose ...
Read more : Slow loser needs support! | Views : 557 | Replies : 12

Day 3... 9# down!

Hurray Hurray Hurray! I'm so glad I'm back with my lifesaver- MF!! ;) I started on June 1st with a 22 pound weight gain from the previous 2 weeks! Was ready to cry! Well... on June 2nd I weighed in 5 pounds lighter... and on June 3rd (this morning) I weighed in 4 more pounds flushed! So 9 pounds in 2 days is helping me feel better!! ...
Read more : Day 3... 9# down! | Views : 455 | Replies : 6

Couldn't wait until Sunday!

I planned on waiting until Sunday to change my ticker - but I'm down another 3lbs. since Sunday - yeah me!!! :D

Read more : Couldn't wait until Sunday! | Views : 289 | Replies : 2


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