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I saw someone post their BMI on their signature (sorry I don't recall who it is now that I'm typing this) but it inspired me to see where I'm at this morning. It's cool 8) and aggravating at the same time :? Let me show you why........

Obese: BMI 30 and above

Begin weight 186.8
BMI 31.1

Normal weight: ...
Read more : BMI | Views : 447 | Replies : 4

I can actually see GOAL now...

Good morning to all my fellow supporters and MF-Losers!!!

Well, I jumped on the scale this morning for my monthly report to see that I have now lost 57 pounds since March 1, 2005, just 4 months. WOWZA!!! (and only 3 lbs. away from the 60 lb. club :D )

A monthly reading has been very helpful for me. As I've said before, I still weigh ...
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Is it too soon to be thinking about the holidays ?

I am so neurotic. Is it too soon to be thinking about the holidays ? I am from an Italian family and my mother will cook for three or four days - out of respect I am not reporting the menu but it is from scratch and very much a family tradition that we all stand in the kitchen with my mom and cook - help etc. It is social and food - the worst. ...
Read more : Is it too soon to be thinking about the holidays ? | Views : 544 | Replies : 2

you guys were SO RIGHT!

THE MAGIC BULLET IS AWESOME!! :-P Anyone who doesn't have one should run out and get one right now! I love using ice in my shakes and eating it with a spoon, and using the whipping blade with just water to make it thick and frothy.
A MediFast must have in my oppinion!
Read more : you guys were SO RIGHT! | Views : 512 | Replies : 6

Medifast scales

Does anyone have the Medifast scales? I just got mine today and I can't get the same reading on them more than once. They have been calibrated but when I step on them, I get one reading....then step on them again and get another reading. They are off by 1 to 3 lbs either direction!! :x

Any suggestions???
Read more : Medifast scales | Views : 381 | Replies : 6

Mom and Me and My Weight

Well in the middle of day three I got a call from my Mom that we were taking some workers to lunch tomorrow to thank them for their hard work. Is anyone familiar with the concept of defusion of responsibility ? At any rate I have been the only fat person in a family of four for oh about my entire life. Actually trippled my birth weight as an infant and was put on nonfat ...
Read more : Mom and Me and My Weight | Views : 1133 | Replies : 17

Weight up - how can that be???

I lost 15 # the first week, then plateaued for 5 days, lost 1#, then another, and had been plateaued again for two days.

Hopping on the scale today, I'm actually UP 2#. Absolutely NO cheating whatsoever the entire 14 days, plenty of water... How can that be???

Even after a 5 day plateau, I wasn't tempted to cheat because I kept saying to myself - on 500 - 600 calories a day, how could ...
Read more : Weight up - how can that be??? | Views : 491 | Replies : 6

scale obsession

Hi there, MF Friends... :-)

I've had a crazy-busy weekend! and it was *challenging*... Twice, I didn't make it home when planned & had a 4 hour gap between feedings... Talk about a cranky girl... :oops: I was able to keep all of my water up---more than I usually drink, which was good. I also did not go "off plan" as there is no room "off plan" ...
Read more : scale obsession | Views : 487 | Replies : 11

bullion cubes

Hi everyone: :lol:

Can you tell me how many bullion cubes I can have in a day, if the hunger ipersists. I just read a post that said it really helped with the hunger.

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Back from Colorado!

Hi guys, I'm back!!! Was very busy with work right before I left for my whirlwind vacation, so I haven't been posting much at all. But things are great with me. I was on a stall before I left (hadn't lost an ounce in about 12 days before I left for my vacation), and am now up a couple pounds, but I am glad to be back home & back on my medifast. I made ...
Read more : Back from Colorado! | Views : 382 | Replies : 5


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