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To Weigh or not to Weigh....that is the question

Grrrr....Tomorrow is "weigh day" for week 2. I'm having "that time" this week and feel like a blowfish. (sorry fellas)

The first week I went by the plan to a 'T'.

This week, I have had a nip of the kids food here and a nip there. Nothing huge - just a quarter size piece of pop. chicken or a teaspoon of my casserole at dinner.

So, the thing is, I am really scared that ...
Read more : To Weigh or not to Weigh....that is the question | Views : 594 | Replies : 7

Stress Over My Daughter - Want to eat junk

Ok - been holding this in but now I am wanting to eat soemthing non MF so typing instead. I will be brief. My 15 month old daughter is having three medical tests tomorrow at CHildren's Hospital. She has uretha reflux. She was hospitalized at six weeks with a severe bladder infection - it was bad. She has been on antibiotics daily ever since. Thank God otherwise she is perfect in every way - really ...
Read more : Stress Over My Daughter - Want to eat junk | Views : 475 | Replies : 14

I'm an addict!

I've been awful all week, I feel like an addict on a binge. back on program today-- but its still early. gained 3 lbs since sunday. just want to bang my head on a rock. SO! I read all your supportive posts to each other, including me, and I am renewed. Watched a tummy tuck on TV and thought of our little miss Texas. ( how ya feeling, gal?) drinking enough water, and thanking all ...
Read more : I'm an addict! | Views : 476 | Replies : 8

Is there room in the 40# club for me too? :-)

Today marks my 3 month "anniversary" if you will of starting Medifast. :flip:

I started on April 13, 2005, doing the Lean & Green plan and 40 pounds of flabbage are GONE!!! :boing:

I am so happy with this!!! I originally set a goal of 55lbs (that was exactly what I gained with my first pregnancy) so I thought ...
Read more : Is there room in the 40# club for me too? :-) | Views : 922 | Replies : 16

Anybody out there ever experience the dumpsters?

Hi, Kids ~

I got a good question from a guy friend of mine and I thought I would post it and my reply and ask you for your input, too.

Question: Anyone ever report any issues with depression on this diet? I find that I just sometimes seem to "crash" and get real down. Perhaps it's my natural impatience and guilt about letting myself go for so long, but it can really get bad ...
Read more : Anybody out there ever experience the dumpsters? | Views : 556 | Replies : 10

Uh, kinda personal question--girls only?

I just got my first order and plan to start the 5 and 1 on August 1st. I have tried a couple of sample shakes and had diarehea both times afterwards...Is this normal? :oops:
Read more : Uh, kinda personal question--girls only? | Views : 853 | Replies : 6

UNCA, PLEASE! 60# Club

60 COUNT EM 60 lbs gone forever! :bounce: :yippee: :jumprope: :boing: I feel lighter, Oh so lighter! As 24K said THIS IS FUN! Horsey Girl
Read more : UNCA, PLEASE! 60# Club | Views : 487 | Replies : 13

Desperately need scale for weighing meat ?

I am feeling like I have cheated. I know I have not - but I was hoping to do the full fast - was feeling hungry all of the time - with tummy grumbles - my 3 year old reminded me to say excuse me -thought I had passed gas :oops: So anyway the last 3 days I have been eating chicken at dinner time - and ...
Read more : Desperately need scale for weighing meat ? | Views : 436 | Replies : 9

Vacation was FUN ! I am starting anew today!

I had an awesome time in Texas and then in the beautiful mountains of Estes Park, Colorado!!
I also made the choice to totally go off plan while I was away for 17 days and by doing so, I naturally gained weight!
I ate pretty much everything I was craving and more, and I am glad to say I am ready and happy to start back on plan again as of this morning.
I won't ...
Read more : Vacation was FUN ! I am starting anew today! | Views : 376 | Replies : 7

Hi Unca! Put me in the 40# club please!

I finally made it!! Wahhoo!!!
Read more : Hi Unca! Put me in the 40# club please! | Views : 319 | Replies : 10


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