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Pardon this the30# club?

Unca can you add me to the 30# club?! :whoohoo:

P.S. Never thought I would make it here. I LOVE MEDIFAST!!! :heart:
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I was so happy that I lost 20 lbs in a little over a month. I'm only 4'11 and that kind of weight loss is very apparent. However, It's now two weeks since that weight loss and my scale is not moving! I have done everything and even went without the meal and just Medifast. Nothing happening. What is your advice? Help! :?
Read more : STUCK AT 20 LB LOSS | Views : 333 | Replies : 4

New Medifast

Hello everyone! I'm new to the group. I will re-starting the Medifast program on Monday. I've made several attempts since early June and can 't get passed the second day. I desparately need to stick to the program I have bought a 3 months supply and its just been sitting. I neeed all the encouragement I can get. Thanks and to those who losing - keep up the good work!!!
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My docto wants...

Ok my endo doc has a recommendation from my insurance that I do medifast before they would approve gastric bypass... That apparently is not what she needs, she needs something official from medifast explaning what it is because she is not familiar with it. I mentioned it to my health advisor, but didn't really get anything official. Does medifast have a standard form detailing medifast??? My endo needs this...
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Where's lil miss texas??

Hi everyone: :wave:

I haven't been posting lately but have been on the forum everyday. I'm glad those pounds are leaving and everyone's doing well. :bow:

But...........I haven't seen Lil Miss Texas postings. Is she OK....or maybe on vacation? Just wondering as I know she's had the surgery and I'm hopeing all's OK. ...
Read more : Where's lil miss texas?? | Views : 452 | Replies : 5

Two Weeks Down...14 pounds GONE!!!

Hello All-

Yesterday marked the end of my first two weeks on MF. As of this morning, I am down 14 pounds!! I feel great and I have never LOVED a weight-loss program more that MF.

I refuse to fail again, therefore, I know that this time it's really going to happen...I'm really going to reach my goal. Thanks to all of you for your on-going support. I really think that it would be harder ...
Read more : Two Weeks Down...14 pounds GONE!!! | Views : 555 | Replies : 12

I feel Horrible!!

Hi Everyone

I feel soooooooo bad :brickwall:
I messed up today! I t all started because we had a breakfast meeting at work today.......and wouldnt you know it was at my FAVORITE RESTRAUNT!!?? So needless to say it didnt take much arm twisting to get me to eat huevos rancheros :dooh:
Then I was even more stupid and ...
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My update--finally got on the scale!

Well, this morning, even though my monthly friend is here I just couldn't take it anymore and got on the scale...I think I have posted probably more than once I have "scale issues"...I either avoid it or obsess over it.

Anyway, I didn't get weighed after my month off with the trips to Mexico and Florida. I just started right back on MF July 11...ok, I lost whatever I gained (which I am guestimating to ...
Read more : My update--finally got on the scale! | Views : 309 | Replies : 1

OH my gosh! The chocolate mint!

THEY TASTE LIKE GIRLSCOUT THIN MINTS! I just got my new order where I branched out and am trying different shakes and bars, the chocolate mint bars are FANTASTIC!
I'm gonna freeze one and see how it is!
Read more : OH my gosh! The chocolate mint! | Views : 435 | Replies : 1

Back in the saddle

Well after a bit of a MF hiatus I'm back in the game. I'd been SO good the first 4 weeks, then it was my hubby's birthday, my birthday, visiting relatives, spending weeks at a time out of town, etc.etc.etc. One lame excuse after another right? I managed to lose a few additional pounds on my own during that time but it's high time I hit the MF hard again. I've actually been kind of ...
Read more : Back in the saddle | Views : 432 | Replies : 3


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