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wut do you think?

Hello everyone! ughhh i need helppp.. i know you probably heard this question 50000 times, but i really want to start the program in sept. i would love to start it now but im tight with cash and i cant pay it at the moment. what i want to know is does everyone see great results within the first month? atleast 20 lbs? i would love to be able to drop atleast 40 lbs in ...
Read more : wut do you think? | Views : 316 | Replies : 3


I feel like <snip>language - Mr. Snippy</snip> today. I went to a winery last night and drank my weight in wine...which is no small task. Then, because my inhibitions were down, stopped at a bar drank 3 martinis, 2 beers and smoked 2 cigarettes (I quit smoking New Year's Eve this year) oh, and then slept with a stranger. Woke up late and arrived at work 1 1/2 hours late. Proceeded to eat an Almond ...
Read more : HUGE BLOWOUT | Views : 671 | Replies : 13

Strawberry Ice Cream and Asparagus

Well here's the latest:

According to a study published by The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, scientists now say they have successfully manipulated individual's minds to help them lose weight.

The subjects minds were manipulated to believe that certain foods made them ill as children and conversly that certain foods were their childhood favorites.

Participants were asked to fill out a food " experience and preference" survey. Included in the survey were questions ...
Read more : Strawberry Ice Cream and Asparagus | Views : 415 | Replies : 5

Difference in taste with different shakes?

I have been doing the 55 shakes and tried the coronary health ones-- don't really care for the taste. My appetite really increases in the evening hours and I was thinking of switching to the 70 shakes or the appetite suppression shakes during the afternoon and evening, -HOWEVER, I don't want to compromise taste. If I like the way the 55's taste, what is the closest to that? Can you taste the citrimax in the ...
Read more : Difference in taste with different shakes? | Views : 396 | Replies : 6

Changing my goal

Hi everyone! As you can see by my ticker, I have decided to change my goal. :huh: I originally set my goal weight to be 145 pounds. I have decided that for now I am going to set it at 160 pounds. I feel this is something I have to do for now to protect my mental wellbeing. I may go lower then 160 but I am ...
Read more : Changing my goal | Views : 458 | Replies : 6


It has been 5 weeks since start today. I lost 9lbs in the first 2 weeks. Then I did horrible on MF for about 2 weeks. I gained 4lbs. Then this week I started back and I lost back down 2lbs for a 7lb loss in 5 weeks. I know it is all my fault and I could have lost OH so much more (probably pretty close to goal).

Read more : Struggling | Views : 719 | Replies : 12

1st day is over!

I have finished my first day of MF. I am happy to say that true to "your" words, it was completely painless. Easy as Pie...or an orange shake. Yumm yumm. Cheers to everyone, and thanks for all of your supportive posts. :beerbeer:
Read more : 1st day is over! | Views : 386 | Replies : 6

Traded with someone, still awaiting package.... help!!

Hi there all! my last few weeks have been a rollercoaster, but I'll get into that in another post! First, I wanted to post a message here cause I though it would be the best place to be seen... I traded a large amount of product with someone on the forum, and I sent my box out a long long time ago and have never gotten theirs in return..... If you are the person who ...
Read more : Traded with someone, still awaiting package.... help!! | Views : 349 | Replies : 8

Update on my Dad's MF success


Some of you may remember from other posts that I started doing MF with my dad in May. He's about 150+ overweight, type 2 diabetic, high blood pressure, and has sleep apnea. He was a mess. Anyway, he started MF on May 21 (with blessings from his doctor) and as of today, has LOST 59lbs!!! :yes: (He's doing the 5 &1 diabetic program)

2 weeks ago, ...
Read more : Update on my Dad's MF success | Views : 502 | Replies : 12

40 lb club PLEASE!

Finally, I have arrived 40 lb club! Sorry to say that I am just visiting on my say to the 50 lb club! Hopefully this will be a VERY SHORT STAY! I feel very good today...getting out of the 30's. My goal is to lose 15 lbs by the end of the far I have lost 5...I just may do it!

Thanks Unca for adding me to the club!

Lee Ann
Read more : 40 lb club PLEASE! | Views : 272 | Replies : 9


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