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Thin Dreams?

Anyone else having consistant dreams of themselves thin? The last week I have been dreaming almost every night, and in my dreams I am really thin. The dream isn't really about me being thin, but rather doing regular things that I have wanted to do for a long time and I happen to be thin while I am doing them. Just wondering if anyone else noticed this after being on MF for a while. It's ...
Read more : Thin Dreams? | Views : 369 | Replies : 3


I just have to say that Ticker Factory has the greatest customer service. I emailed them to let them know that people with a starting weight of 320 or more had a different looking graph and I asked if I could do anything to make mine look like the regular ones. THEY FIXED IT! They didn't know there was a problem (guess not too many ppl with starting weights over 320), and now my ticker ...
Read more : tickerfactory | Views : 335 | Replies : 7

Anyone Else Here With This Problem?

I gain weight mostly in my stomach, you know that dreaded pregnant look because my stomach is so I am losing but my stomach is still so big...I know eventually it will go least I hope it will...

Are there others here that gains a lot in their mid section too? I'd love to hear if your stomach does go down....or any experiences anyone has to share....
Read more : Anyone Else Here With This Problem? | Views : 408 | Replies : 3

4th week wi...

This was a good week, - 3.2 lbs for a total of 18.6 lbs lost in 4 weeks. I also measured and had lost a total of 16 inches - WOW! Very motivating.
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Back to reach goal!

Hello fellow Medifast Losers,

IT FEELS GREAT TO BE BACK!!! I had lost about 60 lbs. during my first 4+ months with MF and felt great. While I wasn't at goal, I did reach a healthy weight based on the charts (albiet, I was at the high end for my height.) I chose to go off plan this whole summer since I was traveling.

The first month went fairly well even though I gained about ...
Read more : Back to reach goal! | Views : 320 | Replies : 5

Another Exercise Question...

I've never been much for physical activity of any kind so I haven't had much of an exercise schedule prior to MF. So how do I incorporate that at this point. I am just completing my 4th week. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
Read more : Another Exercise Question... | Views : 271 | Replies : 1

Child Sneaks Mom's medigrub....puts life on line!

Ok...ok.... I know that there is a lot of serious stuff going on out there...I cry everytime I think about katrina....gas is killing us and then there is Iraq..............................


I go to my medigrub bucket to fish out a pack of Orange personal fav...and I notice that my stash is seriously diminished!! So..I say out loud...not really talking to anyone, "Where the heck is my "stuff" ?? (we call it mom's "stuff" around ...
Read more : Child Sneaks Mom's medigrub....puts life on line! | Views : 667 | Replies : 13

Determination pays off

Determined to stick with this through my 3-4 week stall, the scale has finally moved again - down 2 more pounds for a total of 17 lbs. in 5 weeks.

24K, I took your advice and have been drinking lots of water (which is not easy for the way, how much of our water allotment can be from diet soda?) and I plan to make a habit of it, just as I've made Medifast ...
Read more : Determination pays off | Views : 332 | Replies : 1


Well I had a revelation. It seems the longer I am on MF the more time I spend playing with my children in our yard. I recognize I am not as moody and well I just feel better about myself in general. So the other day I was playing football with our 4 year old and chasing him around the yard. Me 15 month old daughter wanted me to pick her up as she kept ...
Read more : Revelation | Views : 376 | Replies : 12

Mrsshrinkinglady where are you? Others: Updates?

I just was peeking in the studio and saw that you started Medifast last October! You are coming up on a year of life with Medifast. How are you doing? Did the pesky vacation lbs melt away and are you marching on towards goal?

And any others who we haven't heard from in some time, how are you doing. Pop in once in a while and say hi. We are missing you all!
Read more : Mrsshrinkinglady where are you? Others: Updates? | Views : 535 | Replies : 14


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