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I need help

Hi everyone:

I feel so defeated and upset with myself :x !!! A few days ago, I went off MF and I can not get started again. At one time, I thought "Good Grief" your almost 60 and this is ridiculous...just eat!!!! I am so tired of feeling guilty, but I am having a horrible time trying to get back on it. I don't have a good ...
Read more : I need help | Views : 4100 | Replies : 6

Day 4 7lbs gone for good!!!!

I have lost 7lbs in 4 days. I am so thrilled. This program is awsome and this website is sooooo helpful. Everyone thank you for responding and helping me so much these first 4 days. You will be a huge inspiration not to mention a wonderful tool to help me through this wieght loss journey. We are all in this together and that's what is so great because each and every one of you understand ...
Read more : Day 4 7lbs gone for good!!!! | Views : 215 | Replies : 3

you can NOT take a day off of Medifast!

Well folks..The rumor is true...You gotta be faithful to Medifast and it will be faithful to you... After being sick this past week from what I think was a mild case of food born bacteria (i ate the chicken wild rice soup after it had been mixed with water the day before), I decided that I would take a day off of Medifast. Being almost 25 pounds down I figured I was worth it and ...
Read more : you can NOT take a day off of Medifast! | Views : 1738 | Replies : 13

YEAH!!! 20# CLUB

ok. i haven't posted in two weeks because i only lost 1# each week. i was determined to get to the 20# club before my 6th week. i weighed this morning and i'm down a total of 21#. that a milestone for me because i haven't seen the 180's in about 6 months. i've reached me first goal and i'm very excited :cleader: ...
Read more : YEAH!!! 20# CLUB | Views : 287 | Replies : 6

Christy's journal

Okay, I'm such an "all or nothing person", and it's something I have to change.... I did so good the first time around on MF. No cheats and great progress....Now it seems like I'm slipping and sliding and failing all over the place. :cry: I know you're all in the boat with me, and you are all such a great support that ...
Read more : Christy's journal | Views : 559 | Replies : 5

I lost 6 lbs. in 3 days so far

I'm on my fourth day and I feel great. Yes the first 3 days were tuff but I got on the scale this morning ( I know I should only weigh once a week) and I saw I had lost 6lbs. I thought I could never lose weight again. Silly me huh? I work for a pharmaceutical company and they think this diet is so bad for me. I have tried to explain it to ...
Read more : I lost 6 lbs. in 3 days so far | Views : 421 | Replies : 6

Out of town too soon


As I have said, I just started the program and I am 5 days into it. I am leaving to visit some friends on the 23rd and returning on the 29th.

I'll only have been on the program for 2 weeks at that time. Does it make any sense for me to try and haul my food and shakes with me? Or can I possibly revert to simply following a low carb regime while ...
Read more : Out of town too soon | Views : 347 | Replies : 4


OK, I've been on MF since August 6, have lost 17 lbs. My weight loss went like this:

Week 1 - 8 lbs.
Week 2 - 5 lbs.
Week 3 - 2 lbs.
Week 4 - 1 lb.
Week 5 - 0
Week 6 - 1 lb.

I seem to be at a standstill and I didn't expect this so soon in the process. I have not given up, I'm just starting to lose faith ...
Read more : NEED SOME INSPIRATION | Views : 1146 | Replies : 21

What could have been and what will be

Oh how I hate that I am so weak. My parents are in Europe visiting the Vatican and I really just want to talk to my mom. At this point everyone knows like each of you I have a totally crazy schedule - 3 jobs two kids one spouse. Anyway one of my jobs offered me FT at a GREAT salary. It would have CHANGED MY LIFE totally. I had to get out of a ...
Read more : What could have been and what will be | Views : 399 | Replies : 6

Wow, this actually worked for me! (re: bars)

I think I read somewhere (maybe in the Medifast Quick Start???) that you could try cutting up the bars to eat them more slowly. They are definitely yummy and I do admit to looking forward :pace: to my daily bar. Well today, it was about an hour after lunch and too early for my 2pm bar, so I cut my PB bar up into small pieces. I ...
Read more : Wow, this actually worked for me! (re: bars) | Views : 421 | Replies : 7


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