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Uh.. what happened to my energy?

Hi guys and gals... for me it has been officially two weeks on MF now and I'm doing fairly well. I'm down 10.5 lbs as of today so I am losing. And, last week I noticed that wonderful surge of energy :boing: that you all have been talking about! But now, the last couple days, I have been so tired during the day that I can hardly ...
Read more : Uh.. what happened to my energy? | Views : 467 | Replies : 8


Hi fellow losers!!

I was talking with Lauren, and we agreed on the fact that there was no activity on this forum anymore!

Where is the good time where buddies would come here often to share their personal experiences?

I personnaly come here a lot of times a day, and I rarely have the sight of an orange icon to read a new post!

I encourage you to do it. This forum is a blessing ...
Read more : WAKE UP!!! | Views : 374 | Replies : 6

Put me in the 50# club!!!!!!!!!!

I couldn't wait for roll call tomorrow! I have lost 6 lbs. this week, for a total of 50# lost in 10 weeks!!!!!!! I am so excited!!!!!!!!!

I hope EVERYONE has had a blessed week!

Read more : Put me in the 50# club!!!!!!!!!! | Views : 386 | Replies : 8

IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Everyone. I just wanted everybody to know that today NOVEMBER 18, is my 45th birthday. For the first time in a very, very long time, I'm not a size 22 -24 :D . I am currently wearing a size 14 and soon to be a 10 or 12 haven't decided all the way yet. I'm just so glad that I saw that Medifast commercial, because ...
Read more : IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Views : 933 | Replies : 16

1 pound

Well I just finished my 2nd week, I lost 1 pound :D, i'm excited but wished I had lost more but that's ok because my friend is coming any day now and I know i'm bloated, so next week will be better. Thanks everyone for all your wisdom and help.
Read more : 1 pound | Views : 437 | Replies : 3

10 Pounds! Oh, and too much water?

Hey, folks-

Thanks for all your posts, I am an MF newbie, first time on the diet, and today marked my first week. I lost 10 pounds! I know that much of that is water, but who cares? It's 10 pounds less on me, right? I have a long way to go (need to lose over 100 pounds), but a friend told me to keep my goals small and manageable, so I am setting 5 ...
Read more : 10 Pounds! Oh, and too much water? | Views : 372 | Replies : 4

Back on Phentermine--What is wrong with me??

Hello to all. I am sorry to report that I am a weak individual. I have been on MF since October 1st. I've lost 20 pounds, which I am very happy about. However, it has been a struggle for me each and every day! I am following the program, drinking the water, getting the exercise, and keeping myself as busy as possible. Despite all of this, I can't stop thinking about food. I even dream ...
Read more : Back on Phentermine--What is wrong with me?? | Views : 474 | Replies : 1



Since this thread is already out there...what the heck! I’ll post a part 2!

I am losing friends too over dieting. I am getting a little bit bitter about it!!!!!!!!!!!! First of all, ALL OF MY FRIENDS ARE SKINNY and have never gone on diets!!!!!!!!! I am tired of being the " Fat -motherly-wise one they all come crying too!! I find that on medifast, it is way 2 hard to socialize a lot! ...
Read more : LOOSING FRIENDS -------PART 2 | Views : 746 | Replies : 12

90# club! Please Unca.

Well finally I have reached the 90# club. Everybodys right. Those last few pounds are very stubborn. I go for weeks with no appreciable loss or just a little, but these last few pounds have to find a new home. I am going to evict them. :x like it or not. When I look back I really didn't admit to myself that I had gained this much ...
Read more : 90# club! Please Unca. | Views : 396 | Replies : 8

100% on program and still had a gain?

How does this happen? 11 days on program, lost 11 lbs in first 4 days, next 7 - gained 2.5 lbs. 100% on program, no cheating, doing everything I'm supposed to, what is the deal? This is very discouraging and frustrating. I have no problem gaining on my own, that's why I'm here. Here's my eating plan, let me know if you see anything wrong.

8am - cappicino or chai latte
10:30am - shake or ...
Read more : 100% on program and still had a gain? | Views : 357 | Replies : 2


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