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Oh no -- holiday humbugs??????????

Okay, what is going on with me? Did I peak too soon for the holidays or what?

I was tried and true on Turkey Day (despite making and NOT tasting 8 items for dinner). While I was prouder than proud of myself for sticking to my guns and NOT tempting fate, something felt so off -- was it the lack of shoveling every morsel into my mouth or what?

Did or has anyone experienced this? ...
Read more : Oh no -- holiday humbugs?????????? | Views : 455 | Replies : 7

20# Club, please!

Morning, Unca and gang-

Please put me in the 20# club! Actually, as of this morning, the end of my 3rd week, I hit 21.5 pounds! This almost seems insane. :-) Does anyone ever feel like the scale is lying to them? I am totally not kidding! I keep wanting to make sure it calibrates to 0 pounds in between, because, while I certainly can see some differences, to have lost 21.5 pounds so fast ...
Read more : 20# Club, please! | Views : 327 | Replies : 9

I went a little crazy Thanksgiving week, but I'm back!

Hi everyone!

I had a MAJOR slip last week! It started Tuesday before Thanksgiving, and proceeded through Sunday! I got on the scales last Sunday, thinking I would have a 1 or 2 pound gain. Man! Was I WAY off! I was up 8 lbs.!!!!!!! I was so ashamed! Especially when I started reading how great everyone did through the Holiday!

Well, I am back down to 249, (You were right Nancy! It was ...
Read more : I went a little crazy Thanksgiving week, but I'm back! | Views : 351 | Replies : 3

Evening, Medifast folkies...

How is everyone tonight? :wave:

I have been hanging out, seeing what's up and happenin', the past couple days. It's really good to see new and old faces!

I had a premature jump on my restart in mid-October, but now in the midst of some ongoing head-shrinking (or expanding?) and mood-enhancing drugs (whee!) I think I am ready to give this another go!

I was going to ...
Read more : Evening, Medifast folkies... | Views : 467 | Replies : 8

Little rewards

Hi group,

When you have to lose as much as I have, you need to take time to enjoy each tiny pleasure on the way. I've lost almost 30 lbs and I though I know it's not terribly noticable to the untrained eye ;) I notice:

1. I've found my ankles again.
2. I can get out of the comfy leather chair without the "1,2,3 grit my ...
Read more : Little rewards | Views : 443 | Replies : 6

Everyone wake up and post your Christams goal

I thank it helps alot to post your goal and have something to work for I know it has help me alot to get threw Turkey Day :turkey: and Dec, will be hard with Christmas Partys :toast: all the food soo :help: post it and stick to it ...
Read more : Everyone wake up and post your Christams goal | Views : 431 | Replies : 2

Morning, folks, everyone feeling good?

Hope you all had a great weekend!

Thanksgiving was no problem (thankfully), I pre-cooked chicken and steamed veggies (the turkey was cooked with gobs of butter, didn't want to risk it), and all was good in diet land.

My 3 week "weigh-in" is techically Thursday, and I am really hoping to reach the 20 pound point. I hit 15 pounds a few days ago, and I actually stepped on the scale this morning and was ...
Read more : Morning, folks, everyone feeling good? | Views : 393 | Replies : 2

40 Lb clud please

Unca, Please put me in the 40 LB club. It feels so good to almost be half way to my goal. I just want report I feel better than I have in years, I have gone from a size 20 to a size 14 and it feels nice not to have to shop in a plus size part of the store. I could not have done this with out Nancy and this board, Thanks alot. ...
Read more : 40 Lb clud please | Views : 296 | Replies : 3

size 12

hello everyone
i haven't been posting much, but i'm still on the diet. i bought a pair of size 12 pants this week and it felt exhilerating :cheerleader:
i haven't worn a size 12 in 7 years ( before my last pregnancy). i'll be in a 10 before xmas. wish me luck
happy thanksgiving
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90 Pound Club por favor!

WOW! Okay, I think if I don't let the holidays and winter blah's get to me that I could wake up on Christmas morning 100 down.

I am shocked and awed by Medifast - only in my wildest dreams did I think I could do this. Not once have I believed the scale, I always am silly and giddy so I go back a couple of minutes later to make sure I wasn't dreaming this ...
Read more : 90 Pound Club por favor! | Views : 447 | Replies : 10


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